Supervisor & Manager gossip

Does anyone have anything on-point that would help address liabilities posed when a Supervisor and Manager openly discuss their (negative) opinion of one employee in front of another employee who is a co-worker of the first employee?
I know defamation is a pitfall, but I've been unable to find something useful that didn't contain some degree of malice or other issue unrelated to the "gossip" itself. Confidentiality, although useful, doesn't exactly hit on-point, because the complaint alleged to have been made was never expressed to employee #1 and is not reflected anywhere in their file. Rather, the comment is simply disparaging to that employee and I'm back to defamation.
I know defamation is a pitfall, but I've been unable to find something useful that didn't contain some degree of malice or other issue unrelated to the "gossip" itself. Confidentiality, although useful, doesn't exactly hit on-point, because the complaint alleged to have been made was never expressed to employee #1 and is not reflected anywhere in their file. Rather, the comment is simply disparaging to that employee and I'm back to defamation.
I get very angry when supervisors share confidential information about ees in front of other ees, or even unrelated third parties. It is inappropriate on so many levels. It is bad enough they talk with other supervisors, we know it happens and they often just need to check their thinking, but when it turns into gossip, it can have an impact not considered by the originators of the gossip. You find out how small your community really is when you show up at some party to find complete strangers discussing one of your ees and some issues they are having. The same thing happens in a company and of course the information gets skewed and altered as the news travels, growing ever more sensational.
Training is part of the key, but nipping this in the bud with some sort of 'coaching' or PIP for the supervisors in question appears to be in order.
I'll jump off the pulpit now.
Thanks Again,