To "pimp" or not to "pimp", that is the question

I'm about to go into a training session on anti-harassment among other things and one of the young men has a baseball hat on that says (he wrote it on there) "pimp hard" and on the back it says "hoes". Is that even spelled right? I think I know how I'm going to handle it, but just curious, what would you do?
My first thought is to demand that he remove his unacceptable attire and thank him (sarcastically) for being a prime example of why a training class like this is needed.
And unless he's a gardener, the hos is spelled wrong. But then I don't think a lot of "pimps" and "playas" pride themselves on being grammatically correct.
By the way, are you really going into a non-harassment training at 9pm EST? Impressive!
Good post,"Dandy Don", you are so inciteful. PORK
Was toooo funny!
So I was quite interested in this thread after reading the title.
Thanks for the laugh!