How do I tell this EE.........?

We have 1 ee who is very inconsiderate of his fellow co-workers.
He is a smoker and whenever he goes outside to smoke he does so right at the door which is within 10 ft of the reception desk. We have 2 ees working there who do not smoke and have told him to move away from the door but, he does not. Same ee also has a problem with closing doors especially restroom doors(not while in use THANK GODxpray) but after a long usage. The restroom is by a very populated area of our office and some complaints have been made regarding the odors after his use. We have deordorizer spray in all the restrooms but doors are usually closed after each use. x:-8
How do I inform this ee to STOP STINKING UP THE OFFICES? xflash
He is a smoker and whenever he goes outside to smoke he does so right at the door which is within 10 ft of the reception desk. We have 2 ees working there who do not smoke and have told him to move away from the door but, he does not. Same ee also has a problem with closing doors especially restroom doors(not while in use THANK GODxpray) but after a long usage. The restroom is by a very populated area of our office and some complaints have been made regarding the odors after his use. We have deordorizer spray in all the restrooms but doors are usually closed after each use. x:-8
How do I inform this ee to STOP STINKING UP THE OFFICES? xflash
In addition, our company supplies Lysol in the bathrooms to help out with the gross smells. x:-)
The bathroom located in the front office should only be used for "Number 1"(peeing). No "Number 2"!! The smell can be very bad and the spray only makes it worse. This creates a very unpleasant work environement for the front office people, people make copies, faxing, preparing food, customers and applicants. So, if you have to, please be considerate and use the bathrooms located in back of controls, in the break room, in the controls shop or back by shipping. I don't think this is too much to ask.
Thank you for your cooperation.