How do I tell this EE.........?

We have 1 ee who is very inconsiderate of his fellow co-workers.
He is a smoker and whenever he goes outside to smoke he does so right at the door which is within 10 ft of the reception desk. We have 2 ees working there who do not smoke and have told him to move away from the door but, he does not. Same ee also has a problem with closing doors especially restroom doors(not while in use THANK GODxpray) but after a long usage. The restroom is by a very populated area of our office and some complaints have been made regarding the odors after his use. We have deordorizer spray in all the restrooms but doors are usually closed after each use. x:-8

How do I inform this ee to STOP STINKING UP THE OFFICES? xflash


  • 14 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • We had/have the same problem here. A few years ago the former HR sent out an email asking people not to use that bathroom for #2!! Very inappropriate but you could hear the whole office laughing all at once. I'll try and find the email and post it.
  • Thanks that would be appreciated.
  • I think your comment "STOP STINKING UP THE OFFICES" would work well! Although I think I would let his manager be the smell police on this one. Sometime frank honesty is the only way to go, IMHO.
  • Smoking just outside the door near reception is an easy one to stop. In a prior life, the company had a hard and fast rule that no smoking was allowed on or within 40 feet of the concrete pad at the front door area. This was put in place specifically because we did not want visitors to have to wade through the fog to get in the front door. Simply tell the staff that area is a no smoking area. Remove ash cans or stands if they are there. Discipline those leaners who continue to stand there and flip butts. Tell the offenders it's a public relations matter, which it is. Contact your local janitorial supply people about restroom deoderizing machines. They have some things that are industrial strength.
  • Okay, my friend, I'm going to rant a little, so don't take it personally. Who's in charge - management or the employee? If it's management x;-) have the supervisor (or if you get the unlucky job) talk to the employee & spell out where the smoking area is and how he must conduct himself in the area and to close the restroom doors - tell him the next time he takes productive time away from the employees because of his 'issues' he will get written up. It's not optional, it's not his house, or his buddies house, or his mother's/father's house - it's a workplace.

    In addition, our company supplies Lysol in the bathrooms to help out with the gross smells. x:-)
  • I agree with the others regarding the smoking issue. At my last company all employees were informed that they were not allowed to smoke right outside the doors and went so far as to build a small fenced in area off to the side of the building with a picnic table inside along with the ashtrays. Employees who were found smoking right outside the doors were instructed to go to the "smoking area" and continued disregard for the instructions resulted in the employee being disciplined. As far as the bathrooms, we provide Lysol in the bathrooms for this issue. In many instances, "razzing" from other employees usually takes care of any odor issues before it comes to the attention of management.
  • I don't recommend taking the same approach as this previous HR manager did, but I did promise to post this. This went out in email form to all of us.

    The bathroom located in the front office should only be used for "Number 1"(peeing). No "Number 2"!! The smell can be very bad and the spray only makes it worse. This creates a very unpleasant work environement for the front office people, people make copies, faxing, preparing food, customers and applicants. So, if you have to, please be considerate and use the bathrooms located in back of controls, in the break room, in the controls shop or back by shipping. I don't think this is too much to ask.

    Thank you for your cooperation.

  • What were the credentials of THAT BOOB?
  • As you can tell not great creditials!!! But at least it set the bar low for me.
  • I worked in a building that rented out one floor. This floor contained the kitchen and employee lounge too so it wasn't unusual to have our employees wandering on that floor. One employee was embarrassed to use the bathroom on her floor (because of odor) and always went to this floor. We had out tenant ask us to ask our employee to stop going to their floor to use their bathroom (she used the one by their offices, not the one in the lounge). That was embarrassing for both of us. We didn't issue a memo but we did ask the employee to use the bathroom on one of our occupied floors.
  • When all else fails put a self closer on the restroom doors this way the door closes automatically and the deodorizer has time to work.
  • Somedays it is hard to believe that these types of problems consume so much of our time. We have designated smoking areas away from the building. The bathroom odor - whose (BLANK) doesn't stink. I agree close the door when completed - but we don't have much luck with that either. I like the idea of an automatic door closer - I might purchase some of those. I want to send out a memo with designated #1 and #2 bathrooms just for the laughs. Good Luck
  • Be sure, just for an extra dumbfounded look, to post a notice inside the stall stating that use of both sides of the paper is now required. x:-)
  • Don't y'all just LOVE HR?? :-)
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