Getting back to work

We have an employee in our Accounting Dept. that requested six weeks leave to have mutlitple surgeries. One was a lumbar/spine/neck surgery and one was for carpel tunnel (not a Workers Comp claim). She had the surgeries one month ago today and wants to come back to work because she is "bored at home". Her Doctor faxed us a release to "light duty", but I am very concerned about her carpel tunnel surgery and the fact that she works on her keyboard and mouse 90% of the time. Are we obligated to bring her back? or can I wait until she has a full release from her Doctor? She is salaried, but can I pay her for a partial day if she initially returns on a part time basis? By the way, this is not FMLA leave.
Maggie A.
Maggie A.
Thanks for your input.
Some firms have a leave policy that allows the employee to elect the right to use FML. Are you saying this is the case in your company? If so, the employee may use your company leave policy and another leave under FMLA.