Job at Risk - Help

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 10-27-03 AT 11:08AM (CST)[/font][p]I believe my job may be at risk and am hoping my fellow HR Forumites might be able to offer some valuable advice.
I am Director of HR in a 1-person HR Dept. for a small company (approx. 52 ees).We use ADP for payroll, done through accounting by the way. I had a meeting with ADP about other issues and they want a chance to bid on a new range of services they offer called TOTAL SOURCE - where they handle it all: Employee Handbook, Payroll, All Benefits including Health and 401K,Attendance, Harassment Training, Safety Training, EPLI, compliance issues, etc... you get the picture...
Here's the dilemna: if we go with their program, I don't believe they will need me anymore since every function that I take care of will be outsourced through ADP... and although some of the benefits they offer are very valuable, I am afraid that in our current budgetary crunch and in our corporate climate where even the CEO doesn't see the value of my HR function, I would be literally cutting my own job.
I just found out that ADP did send all the documentation on this new program to our Accounting Dept. ( who never forwarded it to me) and may be able to speak to the CEO to recommend we should look into this program - and if that happens how do I justify my job here?
Just for your information on our corporate climate here vis-as-vis HR, our company was written up about in our local newspaper for one of 13 companies in South Florida for HR Best Practices, a total HR program I put in place (while as a nubie to HR)in a company that had NO HR dept. This was quite an honor - to be chosen among many great companies with HR-rich departments with actual HR budgets (unlike operating ours on a shoestring). Anyway, at the awards dinner, I sat next to an empty chair all night - my boss, the CEO was supposed to show but never did, giving me some lame excuse after the fact.
What would you suggest and how would you recommend I handle this?
Should I wait for ADP's proposal or should I let them know that we are not looking to incur any more expenses at this time?
I really appreciate your wisdom.
Thank you.
Update: To all of you - Many Thanks for your replies. It's certainly been a good wake-up call to me; needless to say I will be taking out my resume and updating it. Thank you all for your wise advice!
I am Director of HR in a 1-person HR Dept. for a small company (approx. 52 ees).We use ADP for payroll, done through accounting by the way. I had a meeting with ADP about other issues and they want a chance to bid on a new range of services they offer called TOTAL SOURCE - where they handle it all: Employee Handbook, Payroll, All Benefits including Health and 401K,Attendance, Harassment Training, Safety Training, EPLI, compliance issues, etc... you get the picture...
Here's the dilemna: if we go with their program, I don't believe they will need me anymore since every function that I take care of will be outsourced through ADP... and although some of the benefits they offer are very valuable, I am afraid that in our current budgetary crunch and in our corporate climate where even the CEO doesn't see the value of my HR function, I would be literally cutting my own job.
I just found out that ADP did send all the documentation on this new program to our Accounting Dept. ( who never forwarded it to me) and may be able to speak to the CEO to recommend we should look into this program - and if that happens how do I justify my job here?
Just for your information on our corporate climate here vis-as-vis HR, our company was written up about in our local newspaper for one of 13 companies in South Florida for HR Best Practices, a total HR program I put in place (while as a nubie to HR)in a company that had NO HR dept. This was quite an honor - to be chosen among many great companies with HR-rich departments with actual HR budgets (unlike operating ours on a shoestring). Anyway, at the awards dinner, I sat next to an empty chair all night - my boss, the CEO was supposed to show but never did, giving me some lame excuse after the fact.
What would you suggest and how would you recommend I handle this?
Should I wait for ADP's proposal or should I let them know that we are not looking to incur any more expenses at this time?
I really appreciate your wisdom.
Thank you.
Update: To all of you - Many Thanks for your replies. It's certainly been a good wake-up call to me; needless to say I will be taking out my resume and updating it. Thank you all for your wise advice!
>Benefits including Health and 401K,Attendance, Harassment Training,
>Safety Training, EPLI, compliance issues, etc... you get the
Do they offer a hot-line for employees and managers in reference to employment law? Doubtful. Will they come in and investigate complaints and resolve grievances? Probably not. Do they review employee evaluations? Train - Bloodborne Pathogens, Supervisor training, other industry training? How about FMLA compliance and tracking? Who would look into ADA, Workers Comp? Who is the keeper of employee records and files? Do you do an employee newsletter?
I'm guessing you do all these things too. I would list all the things that ADP can't do. Also, who would be the contact for all the things (other than payroll) that ADP does. It would be silly to assign someone other than HR.
Re: Your "Do they offer a hot-line for employees and managers in reference to employment law? Doubtful. Will they come in and investigate complaints and resolve grievances? Probably not. Do they review employee evaluations? Train - Bloodborne Pathogens, Supervisor training, other industry training? How about FMLA compliance and tracking? Who would look into ADA, Workers Comp? Who is the keeper of employee records and files? Do you do an employee newsletter?"
Actually, yes they do all things, plus more... HR hotline for compliance and employment law, their EPLI attaches to legal issues, they do employee investigations as to grievances, they do all sorts of training including bloodborne pathogens and haz mat training, yes to FMLA compliance and tracking, and yes to ADA and workers comp. The only thing they probably DO NOT DO is employee newsletter... as to employee records and files, the way it was explained to me is that they would have all electronic files and we would have full access to those 24/7.
It just might be that the company leadership chooses as many others do, reduce the HR and let the secretary handle HR. It is a history of our field of vocation, that when the company starts to have financial issues, they will: 1) STOP ADVERTISING. 2)REDUCE THE HR FUNCTION AND GIVE IT TO SOMEONE ELSE, it is there and it always will be. If you don't be apart of the solution, you may just be an answer to the problem!!!
disagreements, 401k questions, on the spot safety issues, workers comp snafus,
state disability forms, surprise hazmat inspections, to name a few. Outsourcing all that may come at a high cost to morale - which affects the bottom line.
Frank, just curious on what you think the cost for ADP handling all HR functions would be. We have had every agency known, including ADP, trying to get us to out source our unemployment. When I handled unemployment some years ago, it was only one of my functions, but I believe the average cost these agencies were asking was between $20,000 and $30,000. And because of our systems, we would still have had to have a clerk to get personnel files to them and other info. So if they handle all functions, wouldn't it run around $60,000 plus? And I agree they simply cannot do as good a job as in-house, in my opinion.
One selling point for ADP is that they take on much of your liability. In essence, they will try to convince management that they are "better" than you are, and that if by some fluke they do screw something up, it's no problem because they will be liable, not the company. Well, it doesn't always come out that way, and even if it does, they've only taken on the fiduciary liability, NOT the morale side.
Remember, one of the HR director's strengths is that ability to serve as CMO - Chief Morale Officer. If the company perceives that either morale isn't important, OR that ADP would increase morale, then you're sunk anyway.
Moral of the story, drop HR and be prepared for the consequences.
HR evolves from an overload on other staff. Secretaries handle benefits, maintenance handles Workers Comp, payroll handles open enrollment, the boss recruits, and the beat goes on. The company decides to roll all these services into one - voila HR! Then HR becomes the glorified "do-all." Evenutally, if the leader in HR is powerful enough, HR is established as a vital strategic partner.
Then the pendulum swings back. Can the company save money by outsourcing HR functions? They go for it and it flops miserably. Then the company decides it was better off with HR.
And the beat goes on.
Richard S
As to outsourcing. I'm not a big fan of outsourcing & I usually end any contact/contract with a company that is specifically targeting HR/Accounting/Engineering or other departments. If the company would like to grow its operations, then outsourcing is a short-term solution, not a long-term one. Outside agencies face high employee turnovers, they have limited liability, they can't help solve strategic human directions (i.e. do we need to redo the org. chart - how will that affect us - do we need to rename job titles - how will that affect us & what will it communicate to the client and employees and the list goes on), they can't come into the company & make on the spot calls regarding discipline & policy changes & they don't know the people that work at the company. We've all experienced a situation or two where if we didn't know the personalities involved, the solution could have been ugly. Also, they can't build the relationships we can with other employers/agencies for 'real news'. I have contacts at the UI office, the Department of Labor and other local agencies and through these contacts I help shape our labor costs & have a pulse on the local economy that our sales/production/controller/engineering managers will never have. The other issues - shopping around for the best benefits plan and the best 401(k) plan, in-house training, etc. are all areas where outsourcing will never be as affective as having a real HR person in house.
It sounds as though you are a bright & dynamic person who has shaped an HR department - don't let the dogs get you down - go get that great job you deserve.
It sounds like you have a good background and do a credible job. If your boss does not appreciate your attributes, and it does not sound like he does, then I would start looking for an organization that values your expertise. They are out there.
With that said, maybe you should circulate your resume. You should not waste your talents on a company that doesn't value HR. If they would even consider outsourcing all of HR, you should get out and find a company that appreciates what you bring to the table.
On a more practical note, compare your salary with what ADP will charge to do this. Ask for a list of the HR things ADP will not cover as a part of this bid price. Ask ADP for five references from companies that they are currently doing this for. Also ask for three references from companies that ADP did this outsourcing for at one time, but no longer do it (past clients). Ask current clients what their in-house HR staff looks like and ask past clients why they no longer outsource. Make sure the person making the decision sits in on the reference calls to past clients.
Regardless of how it turns out, leave that ungrateful company ASAP. They don't deserve you.
There, I feel better and I think my blood pressure is falling. Thank you for letting me vent on unappreciative employers and outsourcers who clearly will do any thing for a buck!
Margaret Morford
It's one thing to have help drafting a manual or policy - but they still need to be customized to fit how your company wants to approach HR. And then they have to be explained and applied.
Good luck - wish you were in my office! I'm the Controller for a firm of about 75, and my assistant and I have been relegated the role of HR after our HR person resigned in January, and then we had a RIF. Believe me, its made me appreciate HR even more than I did before she resigned!! And I appreciated it then too
If you are going to give everything to an outsource, don't use ADP. If you do, you asking for trouble if anything goes wrong.
Good luck!
Sometimes we're so overwhelmed in paperwork and projects that its tempting to hide away in our offices so we can get some "real" work done. But its our responsibility to help key management understand what we do - afterall, we're the HR professional, not them. So our job must include a regular, consistent "educating" of key management. Hard as it may be, we do have to "toot our own horn" sometimes.