P/T - Exempt - Comp Time?

We are currently addressing requests for exempt ee's to reduce their work hours. We work a 35 hour work week. Our full time exempts earn comp time for every hour worked over 40 in a week up to a maximum of 35 per year. We are considering our options for part time workers who are exempt (lawyers). Any suggestions?
If your lawyers are truly working as attorneys (doing "lawyering" as contemplated by their license), then they do not have to meet the salary test in order to be exempt. You can pay them hourly. As exempts, they of course, don't have to be paid time-and-a-half for anything over 40 hours a week. And as hourly, you may dock from their compensation, partial day's absences without loss of exempt status. So, you can pay the part-timers and full-timers for all of their individual hours, straight rate, if you want. You can even issue "comp time" for time worked beyond their scheduled hours. Of course that doesn't address other issues, such as morale and employee relations impact.
Your resources are always so useful. Would it be possible for you to share all FLSA documents like the ones you listed telling us the website and how to acces it? Please advise. Thanks.
One should not be able to accumalate comp time for a less than 40 hour work week say 32 hours per week. Your company is reducing the available working hours for a business reason, most likely to cut operating expense. To then add perks to the most highly paid ee (attorney dawgs) is not good for the other ees who could eventually loose their positions because we did not make the distribution of expense and time equal for all.