Resume Response Issue

I recently posted a job opening on Career Builder. I received tons of resumes via e-mail that were not even close to the requirements of the job. Is it appropriate to respond to these e-mails with a rejection? Or should I send letters? Or should I not respond at all? Most of the jobs I have here are industrial and walk-in applications. This is the first professional level opening I have had. Thanks for any help!
I asked IT to set up a special mailbox for postings. Those postings are the only place I use that email address. I have an automatic reply on this mailbox as follows:
[font color="blue"]"If you have just submitted your resume for consideration, thank you for the interest you have shown in our company. We will review all resumes submitted and will contact those whose background and qualifications most closely match the requirements for the position.
[b]Note[/b]-[i]This mailbox was specifically set up to receive resumes from candidates who are interested in positions with our company. We only accept resumes from principals; we will not review any resume submitted by an outside agent.
This is an automatic message; if you have submitted any other type of correspondence, there will be no further reply."
If I get a follow up email I will reply with a one sentence saying yes it was received and we will contact those we wish to bring in for an interview.
Same as above, while it would be nice, to let everyone know their email was received, the fact is when they are not qualified, I am not going to take time to acknowledge receipt. Besides, when you send an email, you will get an error message back if it does not go through.
My $0.02 worth.
DJ The Balloonman
In addition, on all of our job announcements we include language such as "Due to the large volume of rmsponses#received by this office, we are unable to contact all applications. Only those selected for further consideration will be contacted."
We also are happy to check if an application/resume was received if someone calls but we don't post our phone number or personal email addresses on internet job postings -- too overwhelming!
Hope this helps.