birthday publication
Is it a good idea for our company to send out a monthly list of employee birthdays? We no longer publish the year of birth, but we used to. Do we have to ask our employees if they mind having their birthdays published? Is there any potential risk to publishing the birthdays?
Couldn't have said it better myself! I'm just happy to know I'm not the only ornery HR person out there x:D
In our corporate headquarters (where I work) birthdays are a big deal. Trust me, I am currently sitting in my office, which is full of balloons, streamers, confetti, and various other decorations. There is also one decoration that makes reference to my being "over the hill." (Which I only take umbrage with because I know I am younger than the people who put it there!)
Birthdays bring some fun to a regular workday. Publish your list, if anyone does not want to be included, let them request to be omitted, and honor that request.
I wouldn't put a notice in or ask - just do it and if someone complains deal with that individual as it comes up. Good luck.
We don't publish one; the GM does get a list for his information and action as he deems appropriate.
The GM likes to be able to recognize an individual's birthday. The office ladies know each other's birthday and will make a cake and get ice cream and have a get together for about 15 minutes. No big deal!
By the way welcome on board the forum!
I have to say this is the first place I have worked in my career where I have had people ask me not to put their name on a birthday list.