Second Job

Need some feedback on how you handle mid-level managers who moonlight...wondering if any issues abound that prohibit sull-time managers from doing secondary paid work on their off hours? i.e. a finance manager who does tax work on the side.
When my wife and I we were first raising our family, we decided that having a stay at home parent helped create the kind of environment that would greatly benefit our children. At the time, I had the greater earning potential. I was a CPA for a "Big 8" firm and did tax work and bookkeeping on the side, making sure that none of this work was anything my firm would be interested in. I made sure none of this affected my performance, I was highest rated in my peer group and never let my other work interfere, which was tough during busy season. Nonetheless, we stuck it out and I think achieved our goals of raising some great kids.
In any event, maybe your moonlighters should approach the CEO and indicate their need for more money and give him the first right of refusal on the extra hours they have available. Maybe that will place it in perspective.