What's that got to do with it!!!

It was mentioned to me that the finance manager was writing comments on the computerized ledger that may not be appropriate. I asked to review the ledger with comments and wow, it is filled with things like "husband left town", "legal issues with tenant", "cancer treatment", "94 years old - still works!", "heart surgery", "mother passed", and on and on.
This manager sees no problem with the notations, and insists that they "help me remember the customer" . I want to be prepared to say more than "just remove it". In preparing a written report to be given to this employee, his supervisor, and the general manager, I want to give some solid reasons (substantiated case data, if possible) why comments like these can land us in legal hot water and must be removed. Any help from the forum gurus is appreciated.
This manager sees no problem with the notations, and insists that they "help me remember the customer" . I want to be prepared to say more than "just remove it". In preparing a written report to be given to this employee, his supervisor, and the general manager, I want to give some solid reasons (substantiated case data, if possible) why comments like these can land us in legal hot water and must be removed. Any help from the forum gurus is appreciated.
Yea, Dasher, thatis what it is CONTACT MANAGEMENT!
I am not sure either why he needs this information or how he uses it nor am I certain it is appropriate to have it on a ledger. I do keep that type of information about our store managers in a personal directory, so I can remember when talking to them. We have some 465 managers and I may only speak to some of them once or twice a year. However, I usually chit chat with them a few minutes when they do call and like to remember certain things about them so when we talk again, I can ask them about it. One manager is into community theater, another built his own airplane, another's wife is having their first baby, another's wife has cancer etc. So, I guess it would depend on his need for that info.
Katrina Hutchins
"It's kind of fun to do the impossible..." ~ Walt Disney
Note to Pork: I know a whole lot about medicine. Remember that I play a doctor on weekends. And, although you are hard of hearing, there is absolutely no medical research to support your belief that if you push down the 'caps lock' button, people in cyberspace will hear you better. Also, what would a man in the pig business know about a high horse anyway? x:-)