compliance posters

I am a partner in a small business with 15 employees. Last year we purchased posters required for state, federal and Osha. Do I need to purchase this again year after year? It cost around $60 at all the places I found on line for an "all in one" poster. If we need to update them this year are there any places to get these documents for free or very cheaply. Your help would be greatly appreciated.
I am a partner in a small business with 15 employees. Last year we purchased posters required for state, federal and Osha. Do I need to purchase this again year after year? It cost around $60 at all the places I found on line for an "all in one" poster. If we need to update them this year are there any places to get these documents for free or very cheaply. Your help would be greatly appreciated.
This is for federal postings only. You may want to look into state required posters.
And it's nice to see a small employer checking on these things.
Since I didn't get a response from you on the difference, I did go to the site. I see nothing on the site which indicates there is a new or revised poster we are required to obtain and display. If I've overlooked something, please advise. Otherwise, GNeil Companies will notify me of the requirement. I feel sure they would have already.
For me it's about convenience, ease of ordering and the fact that it eliminates the guesswork for me on wheather I am compliant or not.