Body Art

I'm certain many of you have addressed this issue in the past but I must admit this is my first encounter with the subject. I have been asked to review the idea of drafting a policy against excessive body art. I would appreciate input and experiences with the subject. Thanks in advance.
Tattoos which cover more than one-third of any exposed body part must be concealed. This excludes facial tattoos, which are not allowed.
Very vague (what is one third?) but it helps us keep Mike Tyseon from working here!
I once had a manager who insisted that all policies be vague enough to allow lots of room for case-by-case interpretation - makes it tough to be consistent!
We don't have a policy on tatoos - our plant employees have plenty of them. However, we do have a policy on jewelry which cuts down quite a bit on facial piercings - jewelry must be removed or covered with protective tape while the employee is on the plant floor. Employees look pretty funny with their ears, eyebrows, and noses covered with adhesive tape!
I can't imagine getting tatoos up and down the entire arm....I mean heck it hurts getting just a small one!
My $0.02 worth.
DJ The Balloonman
>I can't imagine getting tatoos up and down the entire arm....I mean
>heck it hurts getting just a small one!
And just what would your "small" tattoo be?
my $0.02 worth.
DJ The Balloonman
Sorry if this was tasteless, I'm having a typical "Monday" and needed the comic relief.
See now those are areas where it is cool to have the tatoos for ladies............ I see some today with them on their arms, big ones, or legs, and just wonder if they do not realize how that may cause people to percieve them during a job interview when they cannot discretely cover them. I am sure at the time they got them they did not care.
Of course I am a middle aged guy, so could care less what people think, but I also would not have gotten one that could be seen during an interview!
I will be doing my second Ironman three weeks from Saturday.
My $0.02 worth.
DJ The Balloonman
Interesting subject so early in the morning but I am learning this is ususal. I'm getting a tatto this weekend and I'm scared to death. Pain & I do not get along. I want a scorpian on my lower back. About how long would it take for a 2 incher? Surely no one will see this at work. We don't have a policy here but if I were to impliment one I would ask that it was concealed.
Ignorance is bliss Don eh? Scott it hurts but not that bad. The tatoo artist put me between a rock and a hard place with the comment, "I know doing the Ironman must have hurt a lot more than a little tatoo!" He was
My $0.02 worth.
DJ The Balloonman
My $0.02 worth.
DJ The Balloonman
"Hot" isn't the word that comes to my mind...
This is an HR forum, I felt that was more appropriate then my other thoughts! Besides I don't want everyone to know what a perv I am. x}>
My $0.02 worth.
DJ The Balloonman