Body Art

I'm certain many of you have addressed this issue in the past but I must admit this is my first encounter with the subject. I have been asked to review the idea of drafting a policy against excessive body art. I would appreciate input and experiences with the subject. Thanks in advance.


  • 46 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Here's ours:

    Tattoos which cover more than one-third of any exposed body part must be concealed. This excludes facial tattoos, which are not allowed.

    Very vague (what is one third?) but it helps us keep Mike Tyseon from working here!
  • Would that be one third of the femur? the tibia? The leg as a whole or without the ankle or would the ankle be considered part of the lower limb or just part of the calf? Where does the bicep fit in with the total arm or the forearm and where does it begin to be part of the lower neck? Do you use a flexible tape measure or a yardstick? What if, God forbid, the artwork is on a body part that might increase in size under some circumstances? Would you measure prior to or after the body part alters itself? Do these things go to arbitration often? Are photos typically in the file? As you answer these, I'll think of more...x:-). The only environment I have worked in that addressed tatoos at all had a strict policy stating that no tatoo could be visible at work, at all. Typically I think these matters are decided quietly, very quietly, in fact silently in the interview phase.
  • BINGO! This is the reason some policies are a nightmare to develop and administer!

    I once had a manager who insisted that all policies be vague enough to allow lots of room for case-by-case interpretation - makes it tough to be consistent!

    We don't have a policy on tatoos - our plant employees have plenty of them. However, we do have a policy on jewelry which cuts down quite a bit on facial piercings - jewelry must be removed or covered with protective tape while the employee is on the plant floor. Employees look pretty funny with their ears, eyebrows, and noses covered with adhesive tape!
  • Our policy states no visible tatoos. We have applicants with visible ones, and they are told if/when hired, they must be concealed.
  • Hmmmm, always a delicate area.............we have two companies that I work for. With one of them, it does not matter who has what or how many tatoos. Because of the type of work the other company does, going into occuppied professional offices, tatoos are more of an issue. I have passed on hiring people because of tatoos down their entire arm. Never mentioned it, was not a fit was my reason for not hiring. No policy, though it could cause an issue I guess if an exsisting employee got tatted up quite a bit.
    I can't imagine getting tatoos up and down the entire arm....I mean heck it hurts getting just a small one!
    My $0.02 worth.
    DJ The Balloonman

  • >I can't imagine getting tatoos up and down the entire arm....I mean
    >heck it hurts getting just a small one!

    And just what would your "small" tattoo be?

  • It is a red Ironman logo on my shoulder, mmmmm size of a half dollar, maybe smaller. Looks like a red M with a dot over it..........
    my $0.02 worth.
    DJ The Balloonman
  • I must confess that I have a shamrock in a concealed location. Besides my old teammates only a select few have seen it. It was part of my intiation for my college soccer team.
  • Well, now that we're on confession mode........I have the HRCI logo tattoed on my buttocks, I plan to add the date of my SPHR certification in roman numerals soon :)

    Sorry if this was tasteless, I'm having a typical "Monday" and needed the comic relief.
  • I have three small tattoos, two of which are visible mostly in the summer - left shoulder and right ankle, the one on my lower back doesn't show. No one at work has ever taken exception to them but if I am having a meeting with the big-wigs I wear dark nylons and keep my arms covered. I do not want to be prejudged because I happen to have ink under my skin. I want to get another but not sure where or what yet. I do wonder about folks who get huge tattoos covering large areas, not so much because of the pain, it hurts but its not unbearable, but they are not cheap. My small ones were 40 bucks each.
  • Our policy specifically addresses employees who have contact with customers. Our policy states that if you will have contact with customer body art must be concealed. No one seems to complain.
  • Rad,
    See now those are areas where it is cool to have the tatoos for ladies............ I see some today with them on their arms, big ones, or legs, and just wonder if they do not realize how that may cause people to percieve them during a job interview when they cannot discretely cover them. I am sure at the time they got them they did not care.
    Of course I am a middle aged guy, so could care less what people think, but I also would not have gotten one that could be seen during an interview!
    I will be doing my second Ironman three weeks from Saturday.
    My $0.02 worth.
    DJ The Balloonman
  • Well thank you. I am thinking of what I want for number 4 and where to put it. I was thinking of on my sternum area but thats too bony- ouch! Maybe just below the sternum, too high up to get messed up if I have a baby - that's a concern with belly tattoos. They are now legal in Mass so I don't have to make a trip to New Hampshire.
  • I have five tattoos. One one my right leg, one on my left, one covering the top of my right foot, one on the inside of my lower left arm, and one that goes from my hand to my upper arm. I love them all. They don't affect how I work, or how smart I am. My artist asked me when I got the one on my arm if I had thought about my career plans. My response? "Anyone who judges me by what I look like is someone I don't want to work for." My employer now would tell you she wouldn't trade me for all the virgin skin in the world. Policies about body art and piercings have to be all or nothing folks. You can't pick a size or number. We investigated this and dropped it all together when I pointed out that we could be missing out on a fabulous employee simply because her eyebrow is pierced (and I'm not a huge fan of piercings, ironically). I urge everyone to please put aside the tattoo or piercing issue and interview someone on their skills and abilities. Then address their appearance. ;;)
  • I came close on three occasions to getting an eagle, globe and anchor (Marine Corps) on my arm....once in Subic Bay and twice in San Diego. I kept remembering the threats of my Uncle Lindy to throttle me if I came home with one like he did after WW II. Today I know all kinds of people who grew up in the 80's and now must wear long sleeves and long pants at every casual company event because they're embarrassed about their tattoos, and do not want to make an unprofessional impression. Turns out Uncle Lindy was correct.
  • Good Morning all,

    Interesting subject so early in the morning but I am learning this is ususal. I'm getting a tatto this weekend and I'm scared to death. Pain & I do not get along. I want a scorpian on my lower back. About how long would it take for a 2 incher? Surely no one will see this at work. We don't have a policy here but if I were to impliment one I would ask that it was concealed.
  • That shouldn't take too long, 15-20 min? That won't even take long enough for you to go numb. Make sure you eat first...I didn't when I got my first one so when all the endorphins went to my arm I got really faint. I'm not saying a full meal; something sugary, like after you give blood. As far as the pain, it really depends on what part of your back. Mine is on the left side, more on the back of the hip, where I've got a little fat. Pain really depends on how close to the bone and how good your artist is. But its not a lingering pain, as soon as the needle is lifted, the pain is gone. It gets tight and itchy about two days later, keep it slathered with bacitracin and you'll be fine.
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 09-03-03 AT 09:24AM (CST)[/font][p]Scott obviously has no tatoos. If so he'd be as ballistic about this as he is about religion and homosexuals in the workplace. What I really find 'tragic' are the really attractive young ladies who have an inch tall 'collar' tatooed all the way around their necks, either barbed wire or a lattice look. Wonder how they will feel about that in 15 or 25 years. But, it's none of my business. As far as I know I got both of my kids out of college withOUT (edit) body art. I think there was a short lived belly button ring, but 4 days of not speaking took care of it. I don't think my wife has either, either, but I'll check closely. I hope I don't discover a marine tatoo on her somewhere. I might get 'Ritaanz' tatooed on my shoulder!
  • >As far as I know I got both of my kids out of college with body art.

    Ignorance is bliss Don eh? Scott it hurts but not that bad. The tatoo artist put me between a rock and a hard place with the comment, "I know doing the Ironman must have hurt a lot more than a little tatoo!" He was
    My $0.02 worth.
    DJ The Balloonman

  • Don? Whats the deal? I have a tatoo as posted above. Just because I don't believe religious minorities or homosexuals or anyone for that matter should be descriminated against in the work place does not mean I am irrational. We do allow employees that do not have customer exposure to show their body art, so long as it doesn't violate our dress code.
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 09-03-03 AT 10:54AM (CST)[/font][p]Why the shoulder? x;-)
  • I have two tats, a navel ring and both ears pierced (I'm a male). I have not worn ear rings in about 4 years and everthing else is covered. I understand the reasoning for not showing them at work. I go to work to be a professional not to put myself on display.
  • want the tat in the middle of my lower back. not much meat there. But I'm big girl. I can do it! You only live once. A naval ring? no way. That needle is HUGE!! looks cute. I play it safe and wear a belly chain. Oh well! have a great day! meetings and more meetings. Do they ever stop?
  • LOL, either the navel ring or belly chain look hot. Remember, it only hurts for a little while! x}>
    My $0.02 worth.
    DJ The Balloonman
  • Never wanted one bad enough to risk the pain or my boyfriend's displeasure. He dislikes them. Same with piercings, had my ears done when I was fifteen, and never thought anything I saw looked good enough to have needles poked in me. You get the picture - needles, pain, fear, equals no tats. Now, my oldest son has quite a few piercings - some I know about and wish I didn't, others I'm sure I don't know about and glad of it. He has about 4 piercings in one ear, a few in the other, and wears earrings all the time. He works in the video game industry in the Bay Area so he's fine there. My other two sons as far as I know have no interest in either, but I could be surprised.
  • >>LOL, either the navel ring or belly chain look hot.

    "Hot" isn't the word that comes to my mind...
  • BTW... Don, if I die in the next few years, can I send my kids to live with you? They're really good kids, and I'm beginning to think you could keep them that way. (There would have to be paperwork with some sort of Confederate Flag exclusion, though... sorry.)
  • Frank,
    This is an HR forum, I felt that was more appropriate then my other thoughts! Besides I don't want everyone to know what a perv I am. x}>
    My $0.02 worth.
    DJ The Balloonman
  • Believe it or not - the belly ring piercing doesn't hurt much. I am a world-class woose & I didn't even flinch. It was a bit sore for a week or so if I caught it, but was much better than I had feared. The anticipation was much worse than the actual thing.
  • Tell us the truth, DJ... there's a poster of Courtney Love hanging in your locker at the gym, isn't there?

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