Toiletseat blues

While beagle and I are engaged in debate over toiletseats in har har I do have a bit of a dilemma here at work that we have not been able resolve so I put it to you creative forumites to see if there even is a solution. And if it's a slam on you males I don't care ( I'm trying the be offensive tact).
In a facility of about 89 people we share one bathroom with one toilet. The problem is that there are some men in the facility that can't seem to aim straight (EVEN with the lights on beagle!). This is p*^sing the women off (pun absolutely intended). I have tried humorous signs, demanding signs, begging signs all in both english and spanish to no avail. Is there anyone who has come across this dilemma before?
Doesn't it feel like friday already?


  • 43 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Uh, some of us guys get a little irritated with other guys with bad aim. Threaten to send letters home to their mothers, wives or SO's asking to re-potty train.
  • When I was in the service we had a sign above the urinal that said "We Aim to Please - You Aim Too, Please." Below that we had another sign "For you fighter jocks, taxi up close and use maximum manifold pressure."
  • Now THAT's cute! My suggestion is build another bathroom. .isn't there a law or something about how many people can share one bathroom? I would think there would be a constant line.
  • OOPS! we employee 89 people for two shifts so not all of them are here at once. We are heading into our "busy" season so maybe we will have the funds to build a new one.
    I can't stay off the forum today. Don't want to work and I'm itching to go camping this weekend. HOW CAN IT NOT BE FRIDAY!!
  • Well, deez, for SOME of us lucky people (such as Yours Truly), it is Friday. I'm off for the next four days and you kind folks won't have to put up with my shenanigans. x;-)
  • Lucky you! Headed our way? :)
  • Not until the following week. Then I will be going to 'Bama for a few days (business, unfortunately). x:-)
  • I think it is a lost cause: if no aiming and respectful skills have been acquired by now, too late... Of course, some may say training may help... but then everyone will need to be re-trained, and I mean, EVERYONE (which will not be funny).

    Build one more bathroom would be my vote as it is the only one reasonable solution in this department. Of course, keeping a full-time restroom attendant may help, as long as it is not a union person...
  • Did you see "About Schmidt"? For those of you who have, maybe you can appreciate why employees 'miss'. My first reaction was: "Idiot, you're going to have to clean it up." No, my first reaction was to laugh!
  • Superglue the darn thing down and make them sit. Oh, they wouldn't huh?
  • Ok - here's a good idea.

    It's like we do for drivers with a CDL. They have to do a "pre-trip" and "post-trip" inspection. You sign a checklist before and after using the truck. Then if there is a problem with a vehicle, it would be on the document. If it's not on the document, then it had to be the last guy who drove it.

    How about "pre-drip" and "post-drip" sign-off sheets. The last guy on the sheet would be the culprit!


  • I would check the regs. Our safety mgr is on vacation, but I think he told me we needed to have one toilet for every 15-20 employees. We had to install an additional restroom in one of our facilities because of the number of employees. I can verify with him when he returns next week and let you know...
  • Even if you don't have yet the funds for new bathroom, at least get a portable - and separate the men from the ladies !

  • Seriously, though, I do recall we had a similar problem at a small company I worked for. We had 18 male and 1 female employee and 1 bathroom (with two stalls). We installed a padlock on the "clean" one and gave the key to our female employee and no other employees were allowed to use it. That solved the problem for us (of course, it doesn't work if you don't have two stalls to start with).
  • If you need to do retraining, concact the kissing bandit, she will be glad toe help train the men! x:o
    My $0.02 worth.
    DJ The Balloonman
  • Are you absolutely sure its the men? You've got to see the condition of our ladies room. These gals don't clean up after themselves any better than the boys... and don't get me started on who hand washes and who doesn't... I don't touch tap handles or door handles.

    It does feel like Friday already since this day felt like it should have been over at 10 AM... it feels like it should be next Friday!
  • I agree with RAD, it might be the ladies. As we were downsizing in our office, one of the short cuts was the cleaning crew. We began to get complaints about the conditions the bathroom, and it was mostly ladies using them. At the time, we only had 4 ladies permanently in the office (other employees including one male worked from time to time at our office) and a very small amounts of patients wandering through. So, it had to be one of us. The complaints got so bad that it made me afraid to use the bathroom wondering what the next person might come in and say. Our Director (a male) thought that it was so silly (and it was) that he "assigned" us bathrooms to use, and with the reduction of employees, we actually ended up getting an individual bathroom. Well, since I am not there anymore, they now have a bathroom to spare!
  • DEEZ: I believe we have now slipped to very lowest levels of threads and posting. Now we have a peeeeing contest! Lock the bathroom and have one key given to the HR or to you. After each has signed for the key and returned it you must now go and inspect the toilet seat. By the way two can play that game I have never stood on a toilet seat, as yet, and I probably never will but my spouse tells me it is pretty difficult to not miss the seat or the feet so lets not aways automatically blame this action on the men side of the toilet.

    Good luck with your battle of the toilet seat. PORK
  • WE have just as much right to expect the seat to be UP as YA'LL do to expect it to be DOWN. As anyone with a yard full of plants will tell you, when the water's running full blast, it's tough trying to tame a garden hose.
  • It takes a lot to get me to laugh out loud and by golly, that did it. Thanks Don. I'm rather tense after a "guess what your son did" phone call. He'll thank you later.
  • We will talk about 'guess what your son did' later. I have more experience with that than anyone on earth; primarily with my parents getting those calls and only several of them involving my own children. But I will assure you they all pass and have zero meaning down the road. And over half of them are those that should be answered by saying, "I'll tell you what we're gonna do with him. We are not going to do a damned thing WITH him. What he did is as normal as all the rest of the things you can look for boys his age to do." Stand up for him till you choke. The persons who make those calls to parents either don't have kids, never were kids themselves, are control freaks, are blinded to reality, never listened in child psychology classes or were teacher's pets themselves or all of the above. DON'T GET ME STARTED!!! "Unlax!", this too shall pass.
  • I hear ya, Don D...but try defying the laws of gravity in heels...
  • Well, I can't say I would condone standing on the seat as this may cause a WC claim from he**! However, these are the times I wish I was still in the service: When you have a GI Party and clean toilets with a toothbrush and "Brasso" the chrome, you suddenly become a *bit* more careful when you tinkle :)
  • My 3 1/2 year old is potty trained but has a loooong way to go in getting his aim straight. He's barely tall enough to "reach" over the rim when aiming.

    Often, I find "squirties" all over the toilet, AND on the wall. Thank God (or Dutch Boy) for high gloss easy-to-clean paint!
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 08-28-03 AT 06:41PM (CST)[/font][p]this will be a totally foreign concept to you now, but in 16 years you will suddenly realize that he has a penchant for 'doing it outside' usually off the patio or the deck or way back between the trees. It's a man Thang. Enjoy the days when his aim is off! Collect the memories and record them for later. He will be six feet tall far too quickly! Then you'll wish his bad aim with that thing was all you had to worry about.
  • Oh, my husband is teaching him the outdoors-thing already. The (almost) two-year-old will follow in his steps soon. We have desert landscaping (rocks and bushes) and apparently it's fun to make it splash on the rocks or aim for the hibiscus flowers because they are a big target. Yuck.

    And I AM stocking up on nudie pics to show their girlfriends in about 16 years. As Parabeagle says... "BU-WAAA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!"
  • Please let us know what your husband's girlfriend says about the pictures!
  • My HUSBAND's girlfriend? Apparently I didn't word my comments correctly. I meant I was saving my sons' nudie pics to show THEIR girlfriends in about 16 years. My husband's girlfriend had BETTER be ME! x:D
  • I have come across "it's a guy thang" in my household. But, we had to put some definite rules when I was found my child in trouble, standing against the wall at daycare because he thought is was okay to use the tree in the playground. I made Hubby lay down a few extra rules, so now "the guys thang" applies to our backyard or his sister's backyard, not other peoples houses and not out in public. But, hey, he was only 3 at the time, so everyone had a good laugh.
  • i worked at a home health agency once and was the only male in the place. we were scheduled to move to another building and the new building would only have one bathroom. I raised the issue of bathrooms per staff, they handled it very well. I went on vacation and returned to find I had been replaced by a lady two days before the move. At least they didn't have to put in another toilet.
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