Travel Expenses

I am revising our travel policy and would like to know what rates you allow for lodging and meals. I can't tell if our current policy is still reasonable or needs to be adjusted upwards. Thanks in advance for your responses.


  • 4 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • We allow $22/day for meals. Lodging is complimentary (we own a hotel chain), but if we have to stay somewhere else we pay the corporate rate. Anything above the corp. rate or more than $22/day (high cost area, for example), requires owner's approval.
  • We have a rated system for meals. $10/day breakfast, $25/day lunch and $75/day dinner. We also pay up to $300/night for a hotel room. We are a little higher than most because most of our travel is to NY city.
  • We follow the IRS guidelines for Meals and Incidental Expenses for travel. Otherwise, it's $30 per diem with the exception that no more than $10 can be spent for breakfast or for lunch.
  • We re-imburse to the level of expense; however, we choose to insure every one knows, we only pay .25 per mile and that the meals expense must be assumed reasonable or the ee will not be allowed to travel in the future. We trust our leadership to understand their travel expense is monitored by the President and the General Manager. We all use the economy motels and our company owned vehicles, no one in their right mind would choose to drive in a personal vehicle at .25 per mile. WE ARE NOT IN LINE WITH OTHER COMPANIES, WE KNOW IT AND CHOOSE TO BE DIFFERENT. We have not lost any employee to a less than satisfactory travel policy.
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