Promote from With Suggestions?

We have created a brand new "Team Leader" position in our CNA (Certified Nursing Assistant) department. We have three CNA's who are currently employed with us and are interested in moving into this role. They will be expected to continue their CNA duties also, although on a reduced scale.

Any suggestions on how to choose the "best fit" for this new opportunity? Can we use comparison charts, testing, role-plays, what else?? Anyone had experience with this type of "promote from within" stuff?


  • 4 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • My suggestion is first start with identifying the skills and competencies you will need in the new position. Once you have an idea of what you expect of the new position, then you can begin matching internal candidates who are interested in the position. We actually "post" positions and then interview the internal candidates. We look at their experience and their performance, and if appropriate, we could do some "testing", but be careful that the test is valid and reliable.

    It's hard to give you more definitive advice, because I don't work in a nursing environment nor do I know your company's environment and culture. Oh, one more thought, of course the manager should do the interviewing, but you could get others involved who may need to interact with the Team Leader so that you get additional input. Hope this all helps and good luck!
  • I think promoting from within should pretty much be treated as if you were hiring from the outside. Interview, review of qualifications, experience etc. I'm not sure what your comparision charts would entail, but I'm not much on testing. I would look for someone with some supervisory experience. .
  • Hiring from within is an excellent opportunity to get 360 degree feedback from coworkers, clients, other managers and departments as to the fitness, competence, skills and responsiveness of the applicant. This is overwhelmingly an advantage to hiring from within since all the testing and interview in the world can't really render as reliable and substantive an opinion as to compatibility with someone completely new from the outside. Of course, fresh blood is always great as well! (When properly mixed!)

  • You might want to see if their supervisor already has one in mind. I have been in situations where the decision is already made and the testing and interviews were just a charade.
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