Prohibiting Salary Disclosure

If you are entertaining a $.10 per hour wage increase based on years of service, part of a "Phase II" we are doing (Phase I was re-adjusting Personal Days off), can you have the employees' sign some sort of a statement (suggestions would be welcome!) indicating they will not reveal their salary to other emloyees and doing so could lead to discipline if discovered, up to and possibly including termination? Small company but we have a problem with people discussing this.......
Thank You!
Thank You!
Some employees view that if they are been working the same amount of years, they should be getting the same pay, however, they usually do not take into account the experience levels upon hire, and work performance throughout the years. We know that they will always talk, but by explaining that everyone is judged individually on their circumstances and merit, we hope that trying to compare salaries becomes less important.
Good Luck!
We have a statement that says "we consider salaries as a confidential matter between the ee and hr. We also state that gaining UNAUTHORIZED access to other ee's salaries or private financial data is subject to disciplinary action. This protects any ee's that also feel their salaries are confidential. However, if they want to tell everyone what they make, it's their call.