Applicants with a felony

We ask the question on our employment application, as I am sure many do, if the applicant has ever been convicted of a felony? If the answer is yes, they are asked to explain. How do other employers determine what is acceptable in this category and what is not? Anyone with a felony is not to be hired?? Only if the felony outcome was __ yrs ago?? What is a good question to ask ourselves if this is acceptable or not?? Thanks
Also since you are in CA I hope you know that there is a class action lawsuit currently in CA in regards to asking the conviction question on applications. It's against over 100 employers and the claim is that it is illegal to ask this question without specifying certain exceptions. I'm tring to do more research on it now.
I know when I was interview large numbers of folks for a plant opening we interview two young men with convitions and jail time for drug offenses. It was obvious to all, that one of them had learned his lesson. The other one, still had an attitude, and spoke negatively about his boss/company and pretty much all authority figures. We hired the one, who was working out quite well when I left and passed on the one with the attitude.
You will know when you discuss it if they have learned their lesson.
My $0.02 worth.
DJ The Balloonman