Loudermill Requirements

I am new to the municipal employment arena and need to terminate an employee. Can anyone give me the low down on "Loudermill" requirements? Also, if anyone has sample "Loudermill" letter, that would be appreciated as well.
I need to ask...what are "Weingarten" rights?
The reason the employee cannot bring a co-worker is because the decision has already been made. We have decided to terminate. The hearing will not lead to any disciplinary action. Up to this point, the employee had already exercised their right to dispute any other disciplines or issues. Now that the decision has been made, the employee is afforded a "last ditch effort" to offer any other facts that may pursuade the employer to change the decision.
This exit conference is the employee's right under "due process."
No, so far I have never changed my mind. I carefully look into issues of discrimination, harassment, and check documentation first. In that "hearing" I'm looking for any information that somehow may not have been discovered before.
On two occassions when the department head recommended termination, the employee was spared because the department head did not properly document. In another case, I was not convinced that the department head was applying discipline fairly and the employee was spared.
The key is to be extremely thorough before that hearing. I carefully scrutinize facts before the letter of intent is issued. That doesn't mean that I would never change the decision. I've just never had anyone reveal any facts to me that were undiscovered before.