Confidentiality Agreements

What can an employer do if an employee refuses to sign a confidentialty agreement which is part of the handbook?


  • 6 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • What is their reasoning. .Not that it matters. When I was in the field of Mental Health this was a major issue. If I had an employee who was not comfortable signing a confidentiality agreement I would not be comfortable employing them and show them the door.
  • Immediately terminating the employee, is this an option legally?
  • Not being an attorney, I'm going to plead the 5th, but I would think an employee handbook is given out at orientation. . early on. .cut your losses. In Mental Health, issues sourrounding confidentiality were a part of the job description. I never came across your exact dilema, but if I had I would have called our attorney ASAP and gone for getting rid of the person.. it was a condition of employment and grounds for dismal if you violated it. i don't know if it was in a different field. .ie manufactoring. .it would make a difference. You might try posting this in the Employment Law section. .you may get more of a response..hopefully from a legal type as opposed to an opinionated peon. Did they say why? Have they refused to sign other things?
  • This is an updated agreement. The employee signed the first one upon hire. We gave the employees 21 days to review and sign, he claims he needs more time.
  • I agree with the post above. Find out what the objection is. I can't imagine what it could be. If it's a brand new employee, I'd tell him/her to sign or be terminated or not allowed to begin work. It is reasonable for a company not to want their secrets walking out the door or to be shared inappropriately. This new employee is a problem and will not get better with time. Cut your losses now.

    If you are just now puting in a confidentiality policy, I'd again find out what the objection is. I'd walk a little more carefully here. But you may still have to fire the employee if you cannot trust him/her. This would get you fired in HR no if ands or buts!

    Margaret Morford
  • If we have an employee who refuses to sign a confidentiality statement, then they can't work for us. (Healthcare industry).
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