Handicap Parking

Looking for suggestions on how to deal with monitoring handicap parking spots for proper use. Employees are complaining that some people are using tags from friends, relatives etc. and then employees who need the spots are unable to use them. If I ask for documentation from all individuals with tags to have them on file, am I in violation of any privacy issues etc? Does anyone have any other suggestions?


  • 6 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 08-01-03 AT 05:05PM (CST)[/font][p]Why not let the local police run the tag. They will be able to tell if the tag goes to a particular vehicle and if it doesn't they will issue a ticket.
  • We have a "handicap parking brigade" type group here that goes around to local businesses to scope things out. It's made up of citizens who have the power to ticket cars parked in handicap spaces without proper registration. I think it's a pretty hefty fine, too. You might contact your local police dept and see if there is such a program in your area....then encourage them to stop by...
  • That's a $500 fine in our city. If you suspect abuse, I would see if the police offer the service of running tags to see if they are handicapped.

    We recently had a city councilman caught using his mother's handicapped tag and his picture was put on the front page of our state-wide newspaper. His comment was "Don't make a big issue of this." Then he tried to say he had trouble walking and blah, blah,blah. Bottom line is, he got caught and tried to weasel out of it. I think putting his picture on the front page was so embarassing to him that he will never do it again. (Not to mention lightening his wallet!)

    It would be great if newspapers had a "hall of shame" column where people's pictures were posted that did this type of thing. But, again, we might have to have an entire section of the newspaper dedicated to this type of thing!
  • We offer free on-site parking to our employees; however, each employee must obtain a parking "sticker" (it hangs from the rear-view mirror). Each employee may register 2 cars. We are provided with the VIN and plate numbers. Additionally, insurance information must be provided. Employees requesting handicap parking must provide verification that they have the same parking accomodation through the dept. of transportation. If they don't qualify under those standards, they will not get parking with us either. And yes, we do check. Our security guys walk the garage several times throughout the day and check parking passes. If an employee accumulates 5 parking offenses, they can lose the parking privledge. Since we're located in the city, this is a big deal. Alternative parking is expensive. so they have the incentive to park correctly.

    I hope this helps!
  • I don't know where you are located, we are in Missouri, but obviously you haven't found any legal reasons as to why we can't request the same information they provide to get the tags right? Do you know who I would check with to see if there is a problem with that in MO?
  • It would not be legal in any state for you to require that an employee furnish you with information which would identify a disability. You have no right to that information regardless of the parking situation. Calling the police and asking them to 'run' your parking lot on a weekly basis is your best solution. They will not come on private property and ticket the cars without a specific request from the parking lot's owner, which I assume is your company. Unless you want a lawsuit, or two or three, don't go asking people for such private medical information. If it doesn't violate HIPAA, it violates ADA, maybe both.
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