Integrity - or lack thereof

Hi everyone,
I'm really ticked and need to vent so here goes.... xx(
My boss is taking tomorrow for as a vacation day to go fishing but he doesn't want me to count it period - not as vacation or personal time. He wants it to show up as a day worked on his attendance. It's not like we don't get vacation or personal time and it's really got me steamed. If I talk to his boss about it, I'll end up between a rock and a hard place so I'm forced to keep my mouth shut. This isn't the first time either.
It just doesn't seem right and isn't. In my humble opinion, it's unethical and shows a lack of integrity. I was always taught that HR is supposed to lead by example. Good example - yeah right. It makes me wonder why I should even bother to keep records...
Sorry for venting but has anyone else come up against something like this and what was your outcome.
Just call me ticked-off in NY.
I'm really ticked and need to vent so here goes.... xx(
My boss is taking tomorrow for as a vacation day to go fishing but he doesn't want me to count it period - not as vacation or personal time. He wants it to show up as a day worked on his attendance. It's not like we don't get vacation or personal time and it's really got me steamed. If I talk to his boss about it, I'll end up between a rock and a hard place so I'm forced to keep my mouth shut. This isn't the first time either.
It just doesn't seem right and isn't. In my humble opinion, it's unethical and shows a lack of integrity. I was always taught that HR is supposed to lead by example. Good example - yeah right. It makes me wonder why I should even bother to keep records...
Sorry for venting but has anyone else come up against something like this and what was your outcome.
Just call me ticked-off in NY.
Again, sorry to hear about it - hang in there x;-)
Hang in there - it he is doing something wrong, eventually he will get caught in his own mess.
One last thought - make sure YOU keep documentation of the issues just in case.
Thanks again!
PS - I am taking a much deserved vacation next week starting tomorrow :DD
(with the appropriate time recorded of course!)
Regarding an earlier post where mostly females are left in the office when the men are gone deer hunting, without claiming time off, the above discussion is the first thing I would do to approach the issue with the CEO. I'm assuming women don't get a "free" day off with pay to shop, get their hair done, or whatever their personal hobby may be. I would do everything in my power to bring equality to that worksite, and if unsuccessful, I'd document my attempts because it may lead to trouble down the road if just "the right" woman is denied a "free" day off.
I don't want you to misunderstand what I'm saying, as I am also exempt and work long hours. BUT,,,,,, exempt employees are not allowed comp time by nature. Yes, we all occassionally take some time off to go to the doctor, or take care of personal business, which is a few hours of the day - generally not a whole day. Usually, exempt employees get some personal admin. days to use. However, if this Company doesn't offer that kind of a benefit, then that 'day of play' should be between his own boss, and NOT sneaking around asking our subordinates to lie. It appears - on the surface - that what this guy wants to do is 'steal' some time from Company, and make his subordinate an accomplice - not good. A lot of businesses still require an exempt/professional person to complete a timecard. If this is the case, then he needs to complete his own timecard and get it signed by his boss. If not, then this guy needs to get an ok from his boss.
By the way - his boat broke down......
Does your boss have to fill in a timecard? If so, let him do it, after all the person signing the timecard is stipulating that the hours/leave time is recorded /charged correctly and honestly.
You CAN tell your boss that you don't want to be forced to lie,or ("don't feel comfortable lying to the Company") and he'll have to be responsible for his own absences. If you get started in this, when - and I say WHEN, NOT IF, he gets caught 'stealing' - and that's what it is - you can be looked upon as an accomplice. DON'T GET STARTED WITH THIS - LET HIM RISK HIS OWN CARERR! Make a record of it in your personal Day Runner. If he starts to retaliate - then take this matter up with his boss or whoever is the next step up.