Need Another Job?
599 Posts
Hello fellow formanites. I received a call from a headhunter specializing in HR. I told her I was not interested but if she sent me a listing, I would forward the positions on to colleagues. She has several HR jobs located Through out the country. If any of your are in the market, I will forward you a list of her openings with salary ranges in addition to her conatct information.
I had sent my resume three times before "she" even acknowledged it.
However, I doubt mine would ever do that -- although they do things a little differently down in the South, you never know. x:o
Most of the SHRM chapters have a job line or website for HR job listings. Why don't you find out what that is for Alabama and check it out? Or better yet, where are our Alabama Forumites? Can you provide Parabeagle with this info?
Margaret Morford
If you go to [url][/url] and click on "other links" you can get listings of available jobs throughout the state. What area of Alabama are you considering relocating to?
Good luck to others.
"The level of desire potential bride have for lifelong mating situation directly correlate with level of village job listing she provide to brave". In other words, he said, as he gasped his last breath, "If she want him in her tent, she send double smoke signal. If she not ready for man in tent, she send confusing signal, usually one smoke puff in form of slim job listing".
I will add to that; "If brave do a runaround on her and consult others in village about opportunity there, she pull up tent and run."
This is actually the first time these lifelessons have been seen in printed form.
All of the cities you are interested in have a large military influence. There is a great change you would be interviewing with a "Left Coast Yankee". I have lived in the South since I was very young - transplant from Upper Peninsula of Michigan, this is the first job I have had - that I did not work for a retired Military person - they were from all over the country.
Good Luck - if I hear of anything in the Huntsville Area I will let you know.