cash out vacation

We are considering allowing employees to cash out, once a year, a portion of their accrued vacation. Presently employees can accrue up to 240 hours. I would appreciate your thoughts on this and a copy of your policy if you have one that allows it.
When it comes to cashing out vacation, I think it is important to set up what the minimums and maximums are. In our company, employees that have work for us for 5 years or more are entitled to 3 weeks of vacation. In a Decision Memo (seperate from the Handbook) we state that employees with 3 weeks of vacation are allowed to cash out 1 week (40 hours) per year. It's great for us because the folks that have been here the longest are also the best qualified - so we get production hours out of them - instead of losing it to vacation time.
Also, you may want to keep this policy seperate from your handbook as well - we call them "Pocket Policies". All of our "Pocket Policies" revolve around supplemental type benefits that we may or may not want to continue during tough economic times, such as: Tuition Assistance, most of our Decision Memo's, Technology Assistance and the like. The beauty is that during tough times, we don't have to rewrite a handbook to show a freeze & employees realize that it's not something they can always count on (entitlement issues). Fortunately, we have never had to rescind one of these Pocket Policies, but if we ever have to it's ready to go. I hope this helps - also, you may want to check with SHRM to see if they have some pre-written policies on this topic.
We selected these 2 time frames because those are when an employee earns PTO at a higher rate. The reason for the restriction of 40+ is because PTO is vacation, sick, and personnel time off for the employee and we do not want to see an employee not have available time if needed and do want employees to take time off, we all need it.