Specifying I9 documents?

I work for a nonprofit healthcare organization. All of our employees must have vaild drivers licenses. Our corporate office has also told us that we msut review the social security cards and enter the exact name (down to whether there is a period after the middle initial) in our system in order to reconcile with social security at the end of each year. So when we set up new employee orientation (when they come in and fill out paperwork), we tell them to bring their drivers license and SSC. We will accept other documentation from list B as long as they provide their SSC within a certain timeframe so we can check the name. I was never totally comfortable with this. Would it be a violation because we are specifying documents or not a violation because (at least in the DL case) we are required by our funders to procure that info before an employee can start? Or am I just thinking too much?
Vance Miller
Editor, Missouri Employment Law Letter
Armstrong Teasdale LLP
(314) 621-5070