Request for copy of personnel file.

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 07-16-03 AT 01:16PM (CST)[/font][p]Recently we had to terminate a couple of employees for cause. Upon the exit interview one of the employees was asked to return some items belonging to the company and he stated that he would do that, in exchange he wanted a copy of his personnel file.
I guess the question is, "Does anyone know what the law is on providing a copy of the personnel file to employees, wether they are terminated or active?" (I'm in California.)
I know the EE can view their files. What about providing them with a copy of their file?
I guess the question is, "Does anyone know what the law is on providing a copy of the personnel file to employees, wether they are terminated or active?" (I'm in California.)
I know the EE can view their files. What about providing them with a copy of their file?
Under Section 1198.5 and Section 432 of the Labor Code (as well as AB2412 effective 1/1/03), employees have the right to review all information in their Personnel File and Confidential Files with one exception. Any information concerning an investigation for possible criminal offense may be removed from the file.
**Ca Labor Code Section 432
If an employee or applicant signs any instrument relating to the obtaining or holding of employment, he shall be given a copy of the instrument upon request.
I just received a call from a former ee requesting a copy of her employment records and that she will be here in an hour to pick it up. I told her that first this request should be in writing and second that it would not be ready in an hour due to my schedule for today. I informed her I would have it for her tomorrow around noon. She then stated she would be in our office in an hour with letter and to discuss. Also this is the person I will be going to Umemployment hearing for tomorrow. ( see First Timer subject)
PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!
The information I would be giving her is items which she has signed only.
Is this ok I believe that is all I am required to do?
My $0.02 worth.
DJ The Balloonman
Good luck in your hearing, keep us posted on the event!
I've had people request a copy of the file, but when I tell them the procedure it's too much bother for them. --Most of them probably blame me with their termination and can't stand the thought of sitting down with me to go over the file.
So, "for the life of you", lets go to the top of the hill and look at all of the opportunities down below, you a younger HR one can rush down and take on all of them, some you will win, and some you'll say, "OOPS"! I'll stay at the top of the hill and send the supervisors and managers into the battle with all their prepared documents and presentations to win; they will return better prepared to stop the development of new opportunities.
May we all have a very Blessed day and thank the Lord for it is another Friday (TGIF).
My $0.02 worth
DJ THE Balloonman
Eat Lamb, 50,000 coyotes can't be wrong!
The former ee did not show up at the office yesterday nor did she call me back.
In some ways this relieves me in others it makes me alittle concerned.
I will inform all of you of the proceedings as they occur.
I am just happy it is OVER for now anyway. x:-)
Again, Thank you to all who responded.x:*
California - Employees own the file
Florida - Employers own the file.