Requesting SS Card or Drivers License?

I am pretty sure that I remember being told that We are now not allowed to specifically ask for a Social Security Card or Drivers License for Identification for the I-9 form. Did I dream this or is this actually the case?
If this is correct, can anyone give me specific locations to find this information so that I can back it up to our General Manager.
Scott P.
If this is correct, can anyone give me specific locations to find this information so that I can back it up to our General Manager.
Scott P.
I let employees used whatever they want for the I9 but I do ask for the SS Card to set up payroll under the correct First, Middle and Last name combination. No one has ever had a problem providing it or at least a printout from the SS Office showing the proper name.
Unless the job requires driving, I would not ask for the driver's license. Let them provide what they want.
Good luck.
Vance Miller
Editor, Missouri Employment Law Letter
Armstrong Teasdale LLP
(314) 621-5070
We are now on-line with SSA and I must have the SSC to validate the ID immediately before we complete the enrollment process. When there is a issue with the name, SSN, birthdate, and sex the check is rejected and we suspend the processing until the individual goes to the SSA and gets the issue resolved. Our Hispanic population has stopped coming to our doorstep, because the word is out that we validate the SSn, Name, dirthdate, and sex. We have found 3 US citizen employees with birthdate, name, sex information wrongly recorded within SSA. Once the issue is identified the SSA quickly corrects the problem and on the Monday of the next week, we can continue the enrollment process. All of you will be so happy with this test program when it goes nation wide.
We ask for the SS card for payroll purposes. You'd be amazed at how many we find who have different names on their SS card, their driver's license or IDs and their professional licenses or certifications (which we also need for nursing home regulations.)
We set up their payroll records with the name on the SS card. If they don't like it, they can get it changed at the SS administration. We are finding that with direct deposit (which is mandatory for new hires) if the name on payroll doesn't match the bank account, banks won't accept the deposit.
For payroll processing purposes, we specify that we need to see an original SS card and that no matter what we they want to be called, they will receive a check in the name on the card. We began this process when the IRS began warning about the name/number verification and fines that will be assessed for incorrect W2 submissions. I believe it was $50 fine an occurence when they actually put it into effect? We caught so many women who never changed their information with the SSA after they got married. We also ask the employee for permission to photocopy the documentation that they provided in order to keep in a "confidential" file. We explain that this file is separate from their personnel file, which is separate from their medical file. By the way, we also keep the I-9s separate from all of the other files too.
We have taken that to extremes, by even keeping the confidential files in a separate cabinet within a locked closet. The personnel files that I might need on a more daily basis are just in a filing cabinet, locked, next to my desk, but the confidential files takes 2 keys to get to!
I don't know, just some thoughts.