Employee refuses to sign company policy

We have established a dress code for our company. We have only 2 girls in the office, me being one, and our secretary. Due to the amount of tattoos all over her, we establised a dress code. The dress code specifially mentions that dressing casual is acceptable do to the nature of our business, but being that we do deal with potential clients, business associates, & the public that a more professinal look is appropriate for the office & therefore no tattoos being visable are acceptable. Now, she is refusing to sign it. Although she is dressing according to the new policy (which has only been in effect for 2 days) she said that she is not going to sign it.
What can I do about this?? Do I just wait until she wears something unacceptable then write her up? Do I write her up for not signing it?
What can I do about this?? Do I just wait until she wears something unacceptable then write her up? Do I write her up for not signing it?
Perhaps it would have been better to coach and counsel regarding the need for a little more professionalism and a lot less showing of tattoos. She maybe would have been willing to sign something like that - then you have the basis for progressive discipline for her mode of dress instead of disciplining for not signing a dress code that she is adhering to (so far anyway).
Just remember consistent application and enforcement!