Reasons for termination-Obligation to tell?

Is it legal for an At-Will employer in FL to terminate an employee and not give a reason why, even though there is a legitimate reason? We tell employees that their services are no longer needed and when they ask why they are being fired, we tell them that it is company policy not to discuss the details of termination. We do this for all employees who are terminated.
Is there some speific reason, other than company policy, why you do not give them that information? Think of how you would feel if you were told you were being terminated, and not know why.
Also, I don't think a no-explanation answer helps with the morale of those who stay. Of course, we all get used to things but we never forget...
I absolutely agree with you. This doesn't mean that a "no answer" is going to prevent a former employee from filing a charge. We had one employee who got a "no answer" and filed a charge with the state DOL that listed every possible incident that had ever happened to him in his five years of employment with us in order to substantiate discrimination on the basis of gender, race, disability, retaliation, and age - generated about three pounds of documentation to defend!
In most cases, however, the less said about the reason for discharge, the better, as long as what is said is the truth.