Happy Hour announcements

We have an issue at our company where employees have been sending out company-wide emails inviting everyone to attend offsite happy hours they have put together. There is nothing in the email that says it is company sponsored or a company event. My concern is that it could appear as company sponsored if someone is injured and they reveal they were invited to attend the offsite happy hour through their company email from another employee. Am I being too paranoid about our liability or should I put a stop to the email invitations? I realize if the employees want to have a "happy hour" together offsite with each other they may just have to do it by word of mouth. Has anyone else had to deal with this? Any suggestions would be appreciated.
I am in Blue Springs, if you could send me an invite I could at least join you! If it is for tomorrow night I will make you my famous "Jayhawk balloon", trust me you will love it.
My $0.02 worth.
DJ The Balloonman
DJ, is that something that should be on our recipe board?
I am in Overland Park and I don't want to be left out. xB-)
Btw, we allow our employee's to do that and have not had an issue yet. (knocking on wood as she types.)
Which of the following should be allowed? (hint: none)
1) All employees are invited to drop by Clancy's Pub after work today. Hey guys, let's unwind! See ya' there, Charlie and Slick Sue.
2) The ladies in accounting invite all of the gals in the front office to come to Mary's on the third Thursday of each month at 7:00 for our quilting project.
3) NAMBLA of Tuscon will be meeting for breakfast Friday at 6:00 a.m. at Shoney's.
4) Local 104 of the Electrical Workers will meet after work today in the parking lot next door. Refreshments provided.
I drive from Olathe, KS to Blue Springs for work everyday, passing back through KC is no biggie for me, I come your past you anyhow. The other issue is if you allow these kind of postings to be sent out, as Don pointed out, you may have a hard time keeping the union from posting things. As a non-union shop we watch our policies related to this very closely.
Jmpmo, you cannot eat my balloon creations, latex tastes terrible! I do have a chicken quesadilla, pepper crusted salmon, and low fat steamed spring roll recipe I will try to get on once I get them put on paper!
My $0.02 worth.
DJ The Balloonman
My $0.02 worth.
DJ The Balloonman
Don't forget me. I am in this area as well.