what's your company mission statement?

We've been working on our company's mission statement for the last few weeks and I think we almost have it. I was hoping that all of you out there would share yours and how you display it. Do you have it on banners, put it on your letter head, etc?
We have a mission, vision, value and purpose statement
"Caring for our community by providing advanced, comprehensive heart and vascular services through a progressive & compassionate health care team."
"Establish South Carolina Heart Center as the premier cardiovascular provider in the Southeastern United States."
Core Values:
*Quality in Everything We Do
*Fulfillment in Our Work (teamwork, fun, productivity, etc.)
*Principled Action (integrity, honesty, fairness and respect)
*Growth & Expansion in our capacity, technology and ability to serve
*Profits for Overall Health of the Organization
Our Purpose:
To Reduce the Impact of Cardiovascular Disease
We spent a LOOOOOOOOng time developing these statements. We took all employees through a "reorientation" to introduce them to the new philosophies. We also had posters printed up and framed for all areas of our practice. We developed a code of conduct for employees to use for patients and themselves.
We researched a lot of these items through a book called "Built to Last" by James Collins & Jerry Porras.
It takes a lot of effort, but if you try to live your statements every day and also have them in front of you, it helps to make a difference.
Whatever you do has to be right for YOUR company and culture. We are rather conservative, so we skipped the banners, but that's really not a bad idea!
I hate to bust someone on the lawyer quote, but it is actually from Shakespeare (Henry VI, Part 2). See lawyers were hated even back then!
Margaret Morford
>printed on the back of all business cards.
>I hate to bust someone on the lawyer quote, but it is actually from
>Shakespeare (Henry VI, Part 2). See lawyers were hated even back
>Margaret Morford
Well...Princess Margaret...we plagerize whereever we can. At least WS won't sue us! (hopefully).
The only reason I know the quote is that I have a t-shirt that a friend gave me with the quote on it.
Margaret Morford
>The only reason I know the quote is that I have a t-shirt that a
>friend gave me with the quote on it.
>Margaret Morford
That's cool. I love a lawyer with a sense of humor. I once gave my father in law a t-shirt that said "My lawyer can beat your lawyer". He loved it!
"She's no lady
She's a lawyer"
"Of course I'm an attorney
If you lean real close,
You can hear the meter running"
Margaret Morford
"Our Mission is to provide quality care for the maximum number of children and families, iin the least restrictive setting, by continuously assessing the needs and strengths of each individual and family in our service delivery system."