Holiday pay on a weekend?

We are updating our holiday policy and I wonder how other companies handle holiday pay for regular, full-time employees if the holiday falls on a weekend or other unscheduled day?
For example, we have delivery drivers who are typically scheduled Mon - Fri and work approx. 55-60 hours per week. A handful of our drivers have chosen a 4-day schedule, so they work 4 days Mon - Fri about 48 hours per week. They each have a set day off, some are off on Monday, some on Tuesday, etc. If a driver is scheduled Tues - Fri and works 48 hours that week, should he be given 8 hours of holiday pay for Monday (Memorial Day)? Of course, this situation will affect different drivers when the 4th of July holiday comes up on a Friday.
Along the same lines, the next question is what if a holiday (Christmas for example) falls on a Sunday and the company does not close except for the normal weekend? Do any hourly employees receive holiday pay? Or possibly a 'floating holiday' so hourly and exempt employees can take a paid-day off at another time?
I realize there is no law that says a company must pay extra for holidays, but it is a nice benefit and I am just wondering how other companies handle this. We currently only recognize 6 holidays, which means we only close for these 6 days if they fall on a Mon - Fri. (Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas Day, New Year's Day).
Thanks for sharing your ideas!
For example, we have delivery drivers who are typically scheduled Mon - Fri and work approx. 55-60 hours per week. A handful of our drivers have chosen a 4-day schedule, so they work 4 days Mon - Fri about 48 hours per week. They each have a set day off, some are off on Monday, some on Tuesday, etc. If a driver is scheduled Tues - Fri and works 48 hours that week, should he be given 8 hours of holiday pay for Monday (Memorial Day)? Of course, this situation will affect different drivers when the 4th of July holiday comes up on a Friday.
Along the same lines, the next question is what if a holiday (Christmas for example) falls on a Sunday and the company does not close except for the normal weekend? Do any hourly employees receive holiday pay? Or possibly a 'floating holiday' so hourly and exempt employees can take a paid-day off at another time?
I realize there is no law that says a company must pay extra for holidays, but it is a nice benefit and I am just wondering how other companies handle this. We currently only recognize 6 holidays, which means we only close for these 6 days if they fall on a Mon - Fri. (Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas Day, New Year's Day).
Thanks for sharing your ideas!
The current issue is whether or not full-time employees who are not regularly scheduled for Memorial Day should still receive holiday pay. Our current policy only addresses holiday closings, not holiday pay, and we can't look at how this was done in the past because we have never before had 4-day a week full-time employees during a holiday. I told payroll that my interpretation of the policy's intent is that these 4-day a week, full-time employees SHOULD receive 8 hours of holiday pay in addition to their regular check, but I wonder how other companies handle this because how we handle this Memorial Day holiday will set a precedence for the future.
My $0.02 worth.
DJ The Balloonman
As far as the weekend holidays, as others have said, you could observe a Friday before, or Monday after...or do the 'floating' holiday thing.
>them a 'floating' day of their choosing or, give them a day off in the
>same week. The last two options avoid paying overtime.
HS- Are you saying with option 1 that if a holiday fell on a Sunday and an EE worked the following M-F and you paid them for the holiday that overtime would be involved? Anywhere I have worked only used "hours worked" to compute overtime and holidays or other paid leave time has not been used.
The other issue is what to do with people who work a 4 day work week. We offered that option for awhile. If the holiday fell on their scheduled day off, they took off the previous or following scheduled workday. But, even though their regular scheduled work days were 10 hours, we paid only 8 hours for the holiday. They had to make up the other 2 hours on other days. If work warranted it, some worked their 4 scheduled days and received holiday pay on top. By policy, holiday pay does count toward overtime along with the days worked.