Laidoff and Unemployment Benefits

We are Mfg. company in Texas and it seems like we are going to experience our first laidoff, we are contemplating to cut about 20% of our workforce.This is my first on this matter and I have many questions, any help will be greatly appreciated.
Can I select employees by seniority and/or performance?
how long do you have to be laid off before unemployment benefits start?
Is there any kind of medical insurance (other then cobra) while on unemployment?
If business picks up again we will like to re-hire most of the employees, what do I need to do?
Can I select employees by seniority and/or performance?
how long do you have to be laid off before unemployment benefits start?
Is there any kind of medical insurance (other then cobra) while on unemployment?
If business picks up again we will like to re-hire most of the employees, what do I need to do?
Unemployment benefits typically start the week after the waiting period. In most states, maybe all, the first week during the benefit year is a waiting period for which no check is received. If the paperwork flows swiftly and there are no issues, a check can generate from the state officials as early as the end of the second week. A call to the claims office will nail this down for you. They will also send a claims representative to your location to hold a group meeting.
COBRA is typically the insurance option available to employees who leave a job for any reason unless they find another job offering insurance.
If you later decide to call back people, you are not bound to do it in any order unless your policy says so or you have a union contract. You'd be wise to call them back in reverse order of the layoff, however, calling back first the one with most seniority if you laid off by seniority. If not that, call them back in the order of the particular jobs you need to start up first.
One thing to consider also is a call to your labor board or state DOL group or workforce investment act office (look in the white pages under government or call the chamber of commerce). Most if not all states have funded teams who will react to your situation, if you think its going to be a permanent thing or impact your business significantly and the lives of your workers. These are usually called Rapid Response Teams. They will assemble, come out to your place and talk to you and your workers about all sorts of things to make life easier during a layoff. These are very helpful at trying times like this and you will have a great burden of yours satisfied by these people too. Arrange this now or just as soon as you know a layoff is coming for sure.
You sound rather new to this and it's going to be a bit trying since you haven't done this before. I hope you can get the guidance of others here on the Forum or maybe a personnel manager 'down the road' who you know. And don't forget that you might want to get permission from the company to consult with a labor attorney. Tell him you want no more than one hour's worth of advice and no research. They often run charge meters like taxis, but not all of them will.
I can tell you are concerned and genuinly want to help your workforce. The best advice I can give you is this, "You are not all things to all people." By that I mean you simply cannot take the entire burden upon yourself and you, none of us, are not equipped to handle all of the issues for all of your employees. You can do your part and you can lead the effort, as I'm sure you will. But, assemble your total team to deal with this, get the help of the state (who are paid to do that), touch base here on The Forum and tell your people you may not have the answer but you will certainly get them one. You'll sail through this with only minor bumps and next time it won't be as difficult for you.
Sorry to be lengthy. Good luck. x:-)
I am trying to get them to make decisions based on seniority and performance, but they just want to get rid of people who are female, over 40 or handicapped!
Okla. is an at-will state, but I can't sleep nights over this one.
Seniority is the easiest way to lay off and the least controversial, but it doesn't necessarily help you run your business! Keep the best workers as long as you have a legal defense for doing so. Don't chicken out and only use seniority when your business is already struggling. With that said, I'd always review my final plan with an employment attorney.
Unemployment benefits vary from state to state. In some states if you pay an employee severance that is equivalent to six weeks of pay, the unemployment office will not start benefits until the 7th or 8th week. Call your state and find out what the process is. Then structure your severance so that it's most advantageous to your employees.
Last, but not least, when some companies lay-off, they will trigger the employee's COBRA period, but still allow them to get their insurance at the employee rate. So you start their 18 to 36 months running, but you give them a break and do not make them pay the COBRA rate during their severace period. You don't have to do this, but you get a ton of good will from doing so and don't have to worry about your employees who need insurance during the severance period. The down side to doing this is that all your laid-off employees will run out and get everything done medically and dentally (I'm not sure that's a word, but you get my meaning) before their severance period runs out.
Also be prepared for your WC claims to go up the minute people get an inkling that a layoff in in the offing.
Margaret Morford