Use of personal cell phones during work

Does anyone have a policy on use of personal cell phones during regular work hours? Some of our production employees are receiving calls regularly on their cell phones and it's bothering other employees and obviously interfering with work productivity.


  • 8 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • We have a short and to-the-point policy, in memo form, prohibiting the use of cell phones by plant personnel during working hours. It is a safety issue (and a productivity issue) and we took a stand and stopped all cell phone use.

  • Our policy is more stringent. All cel phones must be turned off during working hours (both in the factory and the office).
  • I work in retail and we had a problem with employees stocking shelves with one hand and talking on their cell phone with the other. Didn't impress the customers much. So we instituded a cell phone policy.
    The policy became a problem when it was noted among staff that the GM and his second-in-comand walked around with their cell phones practically glued to their ears. When I explained that they used them for business purposes only
    a number of the staff said they had overheard the S-I-C placing bets on the floor with his cell.
  • Thanks for your responses. Technology sure changes the workplace and the policy handboook!
  • Stewarth, if you are a SHRM member you can get a very good Cellular Phones In The Workplace Policy by going to http:/

    Or, I will be happy to fax a copy for you to review. I am in the process of coming up with a policy now, and will take into account things like safety issues for our drivers, production issues for our service personnel and customer service issues for our clerical/admin personnel.

    I agree it is becoming an increasing problem. (Aside: I was conducting an all staff training the other week and two personal cell phones went off in less than thirty minutes. Would you believe they had the nerve to answer and LEAVE THE TRAINING to finish the personal conversations.)

    This is unbelievable to me!
  • Thanks for the referral to the SHRM publications. We're going to make this policy short but sweet. No usage during work except breaks and lunches. Must be stored in lockers at all other times. Emergency calls to employees can be routed through their Supervisor or HR.
  • We had the same problem a couple years ago. Here's our policy for cell phones and personal pagers:
    Personal cell phones are not allowed in the plant or offices. Personal cell phones may be stored in your personal locker or left in your personal vehicle in the parking lot. They should not be brounght into meetings or to work stations. Emergency procedures are in place for incoming calls as well as avilability of phones for outgoing calls. Should anyone have a real concern with a short-term personal situation, consideration will be given on a cas-by-case basis.

    Personal pagers will be acceptable provided they are set to vibrate rather than ring or buzz. Common sense should be used in answering personal pagers while at work. Those who are currently using personal pagers for work related activities are not affected by these guidelines.

    Hope this helps
  • I handle HR for four small hotels. We have a policy that prohibits the carrying of personal cell phones during work hours. Employees are required to turn off their phones and leave them in their lockers. They may retrieve them and talk to their hearts content during their lunch breaks, but we will not have them distracted from their duties or have their cell phone ringer noise as an annoyance to our guests. And, NO, they cannot carry the phone on vibrate. In case of emergency, the employee can be reached through our main switchboard.
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