Drug Testing

We conducted a post offer drug test, the offer is contingent upon a negative drug test result. The lab said that the sample was too cold for the amount of time. The employee stromed out and now wants us to conduct another drug test. I may be wrong here but why would be under any obligation to allow this individual to take another drug test a week later. It took him a few days just to make it to the medical facility, so this would enable him to have postponed the test. Does anyone out there put time limits on the post offer test? Report within 24 hours or the offer is resinded?




  • 9 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I'm curious as to why you would conduct the drug screen after hiring the person? When we give an offer it is contingent upon them taking and passing the drug screen before they are hired to work. We've had a couple of cases when it was good that we did it that way. The person failed the drug test and I didn't have to go through all the paperwork to hire him. I just said see ya later.
  • Whenever I make a job offer it is contingent on passing a drug screen. My policy is that the drug test needs to be taken within 24 hours of the job offer. The ONLY time I have made an exception to that is if the prospective employee is out of state. I once had an instance wherein we had a co-op student who was offered a full time position. I informed her that she needed to take a drug test within 24 hours and when I got the results back, I didn't understand the results so I called the lab. They looked it up and informed me that the sample they were given was NOT human urine and was probably either Mountain Dew or apple juice. It was the correct temperature so she must have had it in her pocket. Anyway, we rescinded the offer and she was immediately escorted off the premises.
  • My policy states that any test that has been tampered with is considered a positive test result. There is only one reason the temperature was to low, they brought urine in with them for the test, did not have it warmed up to body temperature. Obviously they are concerned about their urine. I have never had a legit drug test come back under temperature in 10+ years of dealing with drug tests.
    I don't know about California, but I would rescind the job offer as they failed to pass the drug screening.
    My $0.02 worth.
    DJ The Balloonman
  • I agree w/Balloonman--------------- permitting someone to re-take the test after submitting an adulterated specimen is worse than a bad idea. If your policy does not define what an adulterated test is AND that this constitutes a positive specimen, this would be an excellent time to do it.
  • As I read your post, it doesn't appear that you have already hired the person. In any case, to answer your question, anytime I've ever had any suspicion that a person dilly-dallied around and delayed reporting for the test, I withdrew the offer. Any program I've been assiciated with had strict rules on 'shy bladder', adulterated samples, positives and procrastinators. Never would I go along with such a request as you had for retest. Wish him well in his job search.
  • I agree with Don. Wish this person well and rescind the offer. When we make a conditional offer of employment we do it in person and send them immediately to our company doctor for the drug screen. Only on a few occasions have we done this by phone, and then we required that they appear within 24 hours for the drug screen. If you allow a retake, you will have to be consistent and let lots of people do a retake. Its amazing how word gets around.
  • Our conditional employment offers specifically say "unsatisfactory" rather than "positive" results. If the sample is "diluted" it's a good hunch that the candidate visited the GNC for herbal tea and did a quick system purge. We withdraw the offer.

  • We require candidates to report for drug testing within 24 hours of our offer. Since we use an occupational medical facility for our drug testing, they automatically test the temperature of the specimen immediately. If the specimen is cold or below normal temperature, the applicant is given an opportunity to take a witnessed test. Our facility will provide them with water to drink and allow them to wait a few minutes (since they have just gone). The candidate is not allowed to leave the testing facility until they take the second test. If they leave or refuse the witnessed test, the offer is rescinded.

    We have had a few occasions over the years where the first test was below temperature and the witnessed test was okay. Under no circumstances is a candidate allowed to come back on another day for the test.
  • it seems very clear to me that he brought in the sample. He got mad as if you somehow questioned his integrity. Give me a break. I found a trick for his kind. Tell him that if he wants to retake the drug test then he will have to pay for it. If it is negative then he will be reimbursed if positive then oh well. Bye bye. And yes they would need to do retake the test within 24 hrs. I also wouldn't have let him decided when it was convenient the first time around. I would want proof that there was a ligetimate reason for not taking the test as scheduled. good luck!
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