How Contagious is Mononucleosis??

Our receptionist may have mono - she'll find out more definitively on Monday.

Here's the dilema: if she is able to get a "return to work" note from her doctor to return to work right away (which I believe she will get), how are we obligated to handle this? My germophobic boss (CEO) feels she should stay home for 1-2 weeks, but if she gets her doctor's note, can we legally keep her at home (by the way, she has used up all her sick time and FMLA doesn't apply since we are under 50 ees)?

From what I have gathered, although called the "kissing disease", little is known about how this is really transmitted. And while 20% of those who get this go back to work/school in 1-2 weeks' time, 50% go back after 2 weeks.

I am concerned both about our legal responsibility to her, and to our other employees.

As usual, I much appreciate your input, wisdom, and advice.



  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I don't think you can if the doctor doesn't think she is contagious. Of course, you could always have her go see a physician of your choosing for a second opinion. You'd have to pick up the cost.

    You could also give her a paid leave if your boss is that phoebic. He might be willing to pay to have her stay home.
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 05-05-03 AT 06:55AM (CST)[/font][p]Speaking from experience.....I had mono when I was in my thirties. The doc told me I could work and was not infectious. He did say I would get tired and should take naps or go home to rest. I worked about 5 hours a day for the first two to three weeks, then increased it to 6, etc. until I was over it. It took about 3 months before I felt good again. If I remember right the doc said I was past the contagious stage by the time the symptoms appeared and then only with direct contact i.e. kissing. x-*
  • I was recently diagnosed with mono- don't know anyone else who had it...
    The Dr. said that I would have only been contagious while I had a fever, etc.. There is a lot of information on the Internet that you can read. I had a very mild case, but have known people to be sick for quite some time from it.
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