"Termination e-mail"

When you terminate an employee how do you communicate to your staff that "that staff member is no longer with the company". Do you put anything out or just wait for word to filter through the company? Obviously you are not going to communicate that they were terminated, but just wonder what everyone else does in this situation?
For office employees, we send out a company-wide e-mail and post a notice in the various departments. We do not in either case indicate that the employee was terminated, just that they are no longer with the company.
On the other hand, if there is a significant transition of duties that needs to be quickly announced for pure business purposes, that can be done by memo without mention of the prior employee. The business of the business needs to be the objective; how to meet objectives from this date forward......NOT information being spread to satisfy the curiosity of the idle.
There are times when a separating employee may not be welcome back on the premises, and the e-mail is an alert to all, that the employee no longer works here. We don't provide any info other than the employee's last day with the company.
If there is a safety issue, we provide additional information to the reception unit, and the exiting employee's division.
Angel of Death, huh? I've been called the Velvet Glove when I terminate. x;-)
And yes - it gets VERY OLD to have employees say "Straighten up! HR is here!" Sometimes I want to say, "That's so original!"
There was an engineer at my last place of employment. He honestly told me that there is no way I will ever find him on a Friday for any reason. He said if I show up in his building on a Friday he will absolutely hide. He was serious in his firm belief that any Friday could be Black Friday for him and he obsessed about it to the point where he would not answer my page on Friday, no matter what. Even if I told him I was Ed McMahon.
Anne in Ohio
You're getting too predictable, then. Of the last 10 or so people I've had to terminate, only 3 were on Friday. I want people to be afraid of me all the time, not just one day a week. ~:O
At this very moment though I don't have the staff worried about me coming into their department - in fact just the opposite.... if one more staff member comes to my office asking if I have a minute and closes the door I'm going to hide!!!I have had 4 resignations in the past 2 weeks and am starting to feel like all the rats are deserting the ship.