decreasing an employees pay

I need to know what to do about an employee we hired with the intentions of training him to be a field supervisor. Also starting him out at a supervisors pay. He did not have a cdl liscense & upon hiring him it was a mutual agreement that he would get one. Two months later he still has not even made an effort, therefore it would be impossiable for him to be put in the supervisor position. Last week we put a memo in with his check stating that if he did not get his cdl within a months time we would be decreasing his pay to labors pay. He since has sent a letter to us informing us that it is illegal to do this & he would take legal steps against us if we do proceed to decrease his pay.
He is only working as a laborer right now, & as I stated it would be impossiable for him to become a supervisor without his cdl liscense. Can we legallaly decrease his pay because of this?
Thanks, Joann
He is only working as a laborer right now, & as I stated it would be impossiable for him to become a supervisor without his cdl liscense. Can we legallaly decrease his pay because of this?
Thanks, Joann
I'd think you wait out the month, and decrease the wage.
Just curious, why would you hire him at the supervisor's wage when he did not meet the requirements of the job? Why not start him out at the laborer's wage and increase when he met the requirements?
And I just realized in attempting to answer your question I asked four more! Sorry! x:-8
Thank you for your response. Just so you know we did hire this guy in at a higher rate because he was supposed to have been experienced at running a crew. But we will definetly rethink this situation so it does not happen again.
Thanks for your input.
I just had a case like this wherein an employee's license was suspended. Since the license is a requirement of the job, we reduced him to a position not requiring a license. He could have been terminated! Your employee is way off base and I agree with the above posters that you may want to take another look at his/her suitability for a supervisory position.
I would just put a note in his next paycheck "per our previous correspondence, you were given ___amount of time to meet the requirements set forth for the supervisory position which you did not comply with. Effective _____, your pay will revert to _____"
My $0.02 worth.
DJ The Balloonman
Why not advise him that you'll pay the lesser of an airplane ticket or round trip mileage in his automobile and he's to eat the difference, if any. I can understand him saying he'd prefer not to fly; however, that's different from saying, "Ain't no way I'm going to Cleveland for training." (Wait, I can even understand refusing to go to Cleveland.)
>training." (Wait, I can even understand refusing to go to Cleveland.)
Don D .... would that be Cleveland the city, or the Greater Cleveland Area? Please say that you are excluding suburbs surrounding Cleveland, otherwise, my feelings will be hurt.