exempt and non-exempt

I'm pretty new to HR - I have learned a lot from all of you on this forum, but I need to get this one thing straight. What do exempt and non-exempt mean? This is referred to all the time on this forum, but I don't know what it means! Can anyone offer a clear explanation on this?


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Linda: Exempt basically means that these classes of employees are 'exempt' from coverage of certain provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act, most notably, exempt from the requirement of paying overtime for hour worked over 40 in a workweek. These employees generally fall into three categories: Executive, Administrative, and Professional. Don't classify them by their job titles though. They have to meet certain criteria in the law. Non-exempt, on the other hand, mean that these employees are not exempt from overtime and other provisions of the law. Hope this helps.
  • Try this website: [url]www.fedworld.gov[/url] and type in Fair Labor Standards Act for your search. You can get more specific info there. It is a law with several qualifiers and has recently been changed. I am going to listen to an audio seminar next month to try to get the update.
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