Knowing Too Much
I have several new supervisors who have access to their own ee's files. Unfortunately, some of the ee's make more money than their supervisors, because maybe they have been here much longer?? The problem is for example, that now the supervisor has a little hostility toward the ee and/or the supervisor quits or doesn't want the position any longer and now they know how much money those ee's are making.
Does anyone have suggestions on how I should handle this? Maybe keep payroll records, such as increase requests or amount of pay, separate than the ee files???
Does anyone have suggestions on how I should handle this? Maybe keep payroll records, such as increase requests or amount of pay, separate than the ee files???
Who does the performance reviews? Who is able to approve raises? If the supervisors do this, then they need the info anyway. But they should not have total access to personnel files, that is how important items come up missing.
Sounds like you all might need to re evaluate your pay structure, too.
Having said that, the supervisor is still earning what he/she agreed to be paid and therefore should show a little more maturity and professionalism.
Or there was job security, I recommend number #1, have the company set a cap on the payroll position! Then, if the company wants to give her a pay increase annually, then do it through the "lump sum" increase basis paid every 1/2 year or in 6 months increments.
#2 Another way to "skin this cat" is to 'out source' this activity and provide this emoployee with new challegnes and a new position which provides her current salary for the work put out. With base salary + benefits I am sure you will be able to find a company to get your payroll out for far less expenditure.
#3 After 6 months,if it is not working and saving money, you can revert back to an in house position and hire a person for an appropriate rate of pay for the PAYROLL function.
My payroll person makes $11.50 per hour, and she is my assistant HR. She does PAYROLL in two days (MONDAY & TUESDAY) and handles all of the other administrative funtions from Monday to Sunday and in a 40 hour work week. My assistant keeps my "butt" covered, and I get to entertain my self and learn new HR things on this NETWORK/FORUM.
May you too have a Blessed Day! Pork
How many employees do you have - my payroll clerk can't seem to get payroll under control and be able to assist in HR. Just curious?
She is in the upper $20s for salary.
I am genuinely curious about the company that had a non-technical supervisor managing technical employees. How does the supervisor know what the employees are doing on a daily basis? How does she set goals and objectives to measure performance if she doesn't understand what they do? We recently had a non-technical ee apply for a technical supersior opening.
Thanks everyone for all the terrific information.