Fired for accepting a horn?

Two long term employees (one 17 years and the other 24 years) were recently terminated for accepting company property. I could understand if it was anything of value- however it was broken horns from the work trucks. The employer actually stated that if they could bring a receipt to prove that they had the horns fixed then they could come back to work. (I guess not believing that the horns were broken when they received them) However, the employee who sent the horn was not terminated, but was merely put on suspension. The long term employees feel that this was the only thing that the BRAND NEW manager could get them for. They feel that they were clearly singled out and feel that all of their years of service meant nothing to the Company. The policy manual does state that employees are not to receive stolen company property but this was sent to them and the old manager had knowledge of it. I am not involved in this at all but I was curious what your take is on the situation.
Just my $0.02 worth.
DJ The Balloonman
If it appears in any way that these individuals were somehow "targeted" by your company and/or manager,they have a very good case.
It appears there is a policy for receiving stolen property, but it doesn't look like this property was stolen. If it was, the party that furnished them the horns was the thief. If this guy was following the letter of the policy, he would have terminated all three.
I think he is on thin ice.
My $0.02 worth.
DJ The Balloonman
Thanks Again!
Thanks Again!