Random Drug Testing

I would like to hear from any of you who do company wide random drug and alcohol testing. What kind of policy do you have? How does it operate? Currently we are doing DOT Drug and Alcohol testing for our Drivers which is about 30 employees. We employ a total of 170 employees in New York State and we just became non-union (yeah). How would we start - just send all 170 employees for testing, then after that do a lottery? Are there any rules for current employees and just deciding to do this program because we want to? Or, are we allowed to only test new employees? I have lots of questions. Any input would be greatly appreciated. As always thanks for your help.
We've modeled our policy after the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations ([url]http://www.access.gpo.gov/nara/cfr/waisidx_99/49cfr382_99.html[/url]). I provide annual training to all supervisors and above on reasonable suspicision drug and alcohol testing.
I wasn't here when they implemented the program but I don't think we sent everyone all at once. We notified everyone about the new program in writing and had them sign a drug and alcohol policy acknowledgement.
Good luck.
When we implemented, we simply started testing all new hires going forward and only tested current employees if they had an accident, caused property damage in excess of a certain dollar amount or we had reasonable suspicion.
Margaret Morford
We also have a zero tolerance policy. If an employee tells us ahead of time (before they are selected for testing) we will direct them to an approved EAP which our health insurance will partially reimburse, and their job is safe. The employee must pay the remaining part. Those who test positive are immediately terminated. They are eligible for rehire provided they pass rehab through an approved provider and there is a job opening.