Problem Employee

This is my first post to this group. I have read some of the previous topics and responses, I think this will be a very helpful forum. We are a small Illinois manufacturing company and I have an employee that is turning out to be quite a problem.
He hurt his elbow and was on workmen's comp light duty for six months. The insurance company sent him to a specialist in Chicago for a complete evaluation, this doctor said that based on his description of the pain and the results of the test he ran, that this guy had nothing more than a sprain and he released him back to full duty saying he had milked it long enough. Now this employee is saying "if you put me back to full duty, what if I drop something on my foot, or re-injure my elbow, then you will have to put me back on light duty and then we will know that your specialists is no good." Based on what he said, we have chosen to keep him on light duty, but this really isn't fair to the other employees that are doing the heavier work. But the main problem is he is trying to get other employees to say they are hurt, he has told them this is the greatest injury, no way to prove or disprove the facts. He has told several that they could start a class action lawsuit against us. I have to tell you this is the greatest company to work for, very relaxed atmosphere. We are small, less than 50 employees, but more than 50% have been here over 20 years and the last time we hired anyone was 3 years ago. Business is slow right now and we are planning a layoff, but my problem is I think he might file a lawsuit saying we laid him off because of the worker's comp claim. That is not the case, but he can not or we won't let him do the job he was hired for. It just looks like a bad situation all the way around. Any suggestions?
He hurt his elbow and was on workmen's comp light duty for six months. The insurance company sent him to a specialist in Chicago for a complete evaluation, this doctor said that based on his description of the pain and the results of the test he ran, that this guy had nothing more than a sprain and he released him back to full duty saying he had milked it long enough. Now this employee is saying "if you put me back to full duty, what if I drop something on my foot, or re-injure my elbow, then you will have to put me back on light duty and then we will know that your specialists is no good." Based on what he said, we have chosen to keep him on light duty, but this really isn't fair to the other employees that are doing the heavier work. But the main problem is he is trying to get other employees to say they are hurt, he has told them this is the greatest injury, no way to prove or disprove the facts. He has told several that they could start a class action lawsuit against us. I have to tell you this is the greatest company to work for, very relaxed atmosphere. We are small, less than 50 employees, but more than 50% have been here over 20 years and the last time we hired anyone was 3 years ago. Business is slow right now and we are planning a layoff, but my problem is I think he might file a lawsuit saying we laid him off because of the worker's comp claim. That is not the case, but he can not or we won't let him do the job he was hired for. It just looks like a bad situation all the way around. Any suggestions?
There will always be 'what ifs' in any job at any time. You have to go with the experts. As for layoff, what does your policy say? Last hired, first out?