Military Care Packages

Does anyone have any information on any local (Atlanta) organizations that are sending Care Packages to our military troops?
I have called several organizations and military bases to include:
Fort McPherson, Fort Benning and The American Red Cross and the information I have been given is that they are only accepting monetary donations because they have been overwhelmed with other donations.
My employer would like to donate food items and practical items to our troops and then have a local organization ship the items to our troops.
Any ideas or suggestions?
Does anyone have any information on any local (Atlanta) organizations that are sending Care Packages to our military troops?
I have called several organizations and military bases to include:
Fort McPherson, Fort Benning and The American Red Cross and the information I have been given is that they are only accepting monetary donations because they have been overwhelmed with other donations.
My employer would like to donate food items and practical items to our troops and then have a local organization ship the items to our troops.
Any ideas or suggestions?
You can donate money to the USO (United Servicemen's Organization), which is sending care packages to service people. It's $25.00 a package and you can include a personal message if you want. The contents of the packages are based on surveys of service people and what they want over there.
Our company has asked everyone who works here to contribute the name and mailing address of anyone they know who is serving in the conflict. We are collecting things to make up care packages to send to these people. They will be rather large packages and we are going to ask the recipients to share the contents with those who might not be getting any mail from home.
There are a myriad of security risks to sending anonymous packages and even with well meaning friends, when multiple servicemembers get large packages, remember, they have to lug this stuff around with them. There is no home base where they can store their stuff, and anything nonessential will most likely be chucked for mission essential equipment and that precious roll of charmin. I carried a none too small bear with a beanbag in it's "patootie" around for two months until I came across a little kid to give it to. Would rather have had that space in my pack for an extra tshirt or pair of socks.
Volunteer time with local deployed families (babysitting, lunch for a stressed out wife), give blood, donate money to purchase phone cards (calls from the middle east are not cheap) Anything but sending packages that some tired Marine has to lug all over a battlefield. If you have friends/family overseas, then get everyone together to decide what to send - and choose carefully - then space small packages out every few weeks. Sometimes mail will arrive all at once because of time lags. The postal service doesn't have regular delivery on the seventh sand dune on the left - so expect delays and the occasional missing package.
Semper Fi,
But I might suggest contacting MWR (Morale, Welfare and Recreation)or the detachment of the unit that is still stateside (there's always someone left behind at base to guard the fort and process paychecks) because it's been over 10 years since I was there, and I just can't remember well enough. Sorry that my memory is on the fritz.
Thanks again..