Charging for Employment Physicals and Drug Screens

Per the Code of Virginia:
§ 40.1-28. Unlawful to require payment for medical examination as condition of employment.
It shall be unlawful for any employer to require any employee or applicant for employment to pay the cost of a medical examination or the cost of furnishing any medical records required by the employer as a condition of employment.
My question is:
Can an employer charge an employee for costs incurred (medical exam and drug screen) if the employee does not work for a specified length of time. ie. 30 days? Or is this law applicable to any charge at any time?
Legal types help please.... and any other wise ones, of course.
I think I know the answer, but my GM wants me to "clarify the law"... don't ask, long story.
§ 40.1-28. Unlawful to require payment for medical examination as condition of employment.
It shall be unlawful for any employer to require any employee or applicant for employment to pay the cost of a medical examination or the cost of furnishing any medical records required by the employer as a condition of employment.
My question is:
Can an employer charge an employee for costs incurred (medical exam and drug screen) if the employee does not work for a specified length of time. ie. 30 days? Or is this law applicable to any charge at any time?
Legal types help please.... and any other wise ones, of course.
I think I know the answer, but my GM wants me to "clarify the law"... don't ask, long story.
Good Luck!!
I don't know what type of testing, and if it would be of any use the the employee elsewhere, but here is what we do. We hire childcare workers and train them in FA/CPR. We don't give them their cards until after 30 days of employment. If they leave before 30 days and want their cards to prove their certified, they have to buy them for $25. We've had one employee take advantage of it in 1 1/2 years, but every dollar helps! Barbara
I think it would be to our advantage to recoup the cost, but I believe VA law says otherwise - now just to convice the PTB of this.
Tammy Colson
Although it is a requirement for most of our employees to have a valid CDL the employee pays for his or her DOT physical to maintain the CDL when the federal med card expires which is every 1 to 2 years.
Are you going to make someone pay if you terminate them before 30 days? If you say no, you will be treating someone who quits and someone you terminate differently. Could that alter your employment at will status? I don't know. But it's something to think about.
Tammy Colson
Tammy Colson
The law is pretty clear, you cannot charge.
Good Luck!
I don't think there is a law in MA that says you can't pass on the cost to the employee thought??
I just wish I hadn't needed to find a man's opinion to present in order for it to happen. x:-(