Where is a good source or website for a checklist of the HIPAA requirements due by April 14? The rules and regs from HHS will take me until April, 2004 to sift through!
fax # 414-462-8812
Thank you
Could you be an angel and send me a copy? 816-224-3917.
If we ever meet I will make you a fantastic balloon creation!
DJ The Balloonman
I am very confused by this issue.
Would you please fax a copy of the checklist to:
S. Moll
(410) 392-0128
or email to [email]hrdir@iximd.com[/email]
could I get one as well 617 638 9248.
If you will fax or email a copy to me, I would be so grateful!
My email is [email]Hmccoy@leeclerk.org[/email] or Fax (239)461-5887.
My fax # is (337) 291-6392. Attention Missy.
Thank you!
P.S. If easier, you can e-mail me at [email]mahebert@lafayetteparishclerk.com[/email]
>have received one that was put together by a company that deals with
>alot of insurance issues and has been helping other companies come
>into compliance. If you would provide your fax no. I will forward it
>to you.
Send it to 703-522-3875 atten: Will
Thank you
Fax: 262-306-3107 or email: [email]wbhr@ci.west-bend.wi.us[/email] Thanks!
I just got back to my computer after a morning meeting and was quite surprised at the requests for your info. Yes, I would appreciate a copy, too! My fax is 541.382.6536 attn: Pat. Thanks for the offer!
You are very popular today, but you probably know you are a wealth of informtion. I'd love to benefit from your knowledge, so if you fax machine is still functioning please send one to (201)432-5111. Thanks so much and let me know if I can return the favor.
Tks, Barbara
If possible, please fax to me too. 770-981-3345. [email]ewarthen@newcombspring.com[/email]
Fax 801-990-0326
email [email]jkbodily@aol.com[/email]
all of us. My e-mail is [email]shari_85635@yahoo.com[/email]
If it is at all possible, I would like a copy of the HIPPA information. My fax number is 801-853-5004.
Lewis at 361-575-7757
Hope you don't mind.
Lisa Gargano