Religious Accomodation or Hostile Work environment?

Now, I don't mean to bring up the confederate flag debate, again, but...I have a new receptionist who has a desk area at the front(of course) of our offices that can be seen by everyone. There are only 10 employees in this admin. area. Not that anyone is offended, but the new receptionist has put a scrolling screen saver with either a scripture from the bible or a saying about The Lord on her computer. I told her that I thought that was not a good idea, in case anyone was offended. She said that she read that by the law I cannot tell her that she cannot have that on her computer because it is her personal space and I cannot tell her what she can and cannot put there if it is religious. She said she read somewhere that a women won a case against a company because she was told to remove her religious scrolling screen saver. Company policy has nothing specific - What is your opinion/knowledge?
If the message were overtly harassing to others (Like it talked about people going to "He__") or someone complained that it was harassing to them, you might have a reason to ask her to remove it.
But it sounds like that is not the case. You can not make her remove the message if other people can have whatever they want (cartoon, shakespear quotes, etc) on their screens.
In our office, there is only one background allowed for all (the firms standard background). All are treated the same, so there is no question.
Good Luck!!
I agree, you can't single out religious sayings if you allow people to customize their screen savers and backgrounds.
On a related note, here's something that happened at a workplace I'm familiar with: A supervisor's car, parked in the parking lot, sported a bumper sticker proudly proclaiming "Doing my part to p*ss off the Religious Right!" When this supervisor disciplined an employee for neglect of duties, that employee filed a grievance alleging that the disciplinary action was in retaliation for her Christian beliefs."
It's always something.
We don't have such a policy in our organization because there hasn't been a need so far, but we have had complaints where people "paper" their door (that open to the hall) with baby pictures, etc. We have had to ask individuals to confine personal stuff to the inside of their office. As much as they love watching little Junior with strained peas all over his face, others might not think it's that cute.