
I am in the process of going through our I-9's and have found quite a few that have items from List B listed under List A along with some that are not even signed by an authorized respresentative. Should I redo these? I thought I had read somewhere that if they are not filled out correctly (in all aspects) it could come back to haunt us. Any suggestions?
We consistently make copies and attach because it's just easier if you are audited. I'm in a border state to Mexico, and work in an environment where we have a melting pot employee population (casino) so we're talking about more than 200 resident alien scenarios. We're probably more diligent than most.
For the incorrectly entered items: all you need to do is cross through the info listed in List A incorrectly - mark through each error with a single line and put your initials there. Then write the information in the correct column. The ones that are not signed are a bit trickier. I would not sign it unless I saw the ID personally. I would recommend redoing those. These errors can come back to haunt you and will be accompanied by a load of fines! Using any kind of white-out is a big INS no-no. If you need more info email me at [email]lcdavid77@yahoo.com[/email] - I'd be glad to help. Good luck!
Our current policy is that we make the copies and file them in their personnel file as we need the information for other required reporting.