who invented human resources?

I am old enough to remember that hr used to be called personnel.Who came up with the term human resources? Has the term been so overused---and often misused---that it has lost its original and powerful meaning...mike
>I don't know who coined the phrase. Probably the same guy who came up
>with "Human Capital," a dehumanzing phrase I loathe.
Yuck. "Human Capital" sounds like an acounting phrase, much like referring to employees as RVUs (Relative Value Units) or FTEs (Full Time Equivalents). Instead of HR Director, I'd rather be known as the CPO (Chief People Officer). We'd then rank up there with the CEO and the COO.
(don't know the characters well, think this is right)
Catbert: "I'm tired of calling the employees "resources." It's too complimentary."
"I'm thinking of something along the lines of livestock or Human Capitol."
Guy w/pointy hair; "I don't want them demanding hay.
"Good point. We'll go with Human Capitol."
Sho' 'nuf, those diggins' paid off. Got me some of that assayed and melted pe'ple rightch heya.
Frankly I prefer 'Personnel'. It has a more genuine ring. Damn the social engineers!
etc. However "a rose, is a rose, is a rose".
Okay, who's going to steal my lunch money and beat me up after work now?
Your Office Dork,
I hope nobody steals my lunch money.
Takes on a different connotation, doesn't it?
Hey! Congrats on your 2000+ postings. xclap
Don: I think it was in response to the original post. ."Who came up with the term Human Resources?" Answer: "Republicans."
Margaret is around 75? Wow I thought she was closer to the 68-69 age category! Well remember all you are as young as you feel!
My $0.02 worth.
DJ The Balloonman
Margaret Morford
Margaret Morford